Reviews for You're a Terrible Liar
MissEternal chapter 1 . 9/11/2017
Awwww that whole thing wasn't quite resolved in the end! My happy-ending cravings haven't been fed enough!

Saying that, I really enjoyed the characterizations of Wolf and Yuuri in this. I really liked the way you wrote for us to delve into their heads and see their own point of views on the same events happening. I only wish they said out loud their thoughts so that the whole problem (misundertanding hopefully?) is solved!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2/2016
Make them say that they love each other the next time please.
ashlygmz chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
This is amazing! Love it!
AngelRuby235 chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
Nice...ds was truly very good...kinda sad...poor wolf...but ds was very very good :)
Tblu2326 chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
The summary suggest that Yuri would prove to Wolfram that he was genuinely in love with him...but only near the end he admits so, and in his freaking mind! What use is there in that!?
XxXAdishoXxX chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
I am glad it was a happy ending :)
xprincewolf09 chapter 1 . 3/1/2014
you should have warned me in the genre that this is drama, hurt/comfort or whatever i'm already cryingTTTT
sweetandspice chapter 1 . 11/12/2013
It was really good.
Unstable.A chapter 1 . 8/26/2013
I thought Wolfram would aknowledge Yuuri's love in the end .-.
pikeebo chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
... but Wolf still think he is in unrequited love ... that's quite sad ... Maybe a sequel to dispel that thought?
Lady Deredrum chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
Poor Wolfyyy. I have no idea why but I feel like going all jack-the-ripper on that Jasline chick. She annoys me.
Great story!
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 5/25/2013

In the end They both playing stupid! D'X

Yuuri should tell him more forward with honest aura that he love Wolfram!

It's hurt!


Conrad angry at Yuuri was so very absolutely rare! *shocked*
*sighed* But not impossible though...
After all... his beloved cute brother feel hurt, and he can't help but do nothing... *sighed*
damons-hot-as-hell chapter 1 . 10/19/2012
oh damn poor wolf and hot damn i cn see them doing it in my mind and its not leaving and it fuckn hot lol
tonii chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
wait!won't you finish thiiiissssss?
chase3136 chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
This broke my heart! It gave me the same feeling of frustrated hopelessness that the KKM! series gave me. (Seasons one & two were the worst for Yuri's denial and prejudice clouding his judgement of Wolfram. Season three gave me hope for a more loving Yuri towards Wolfram, even if Wolfram had become more insecure and hopeless by that time.) I soooooooo wish that Yuri would just SAY how he feels, but because of his own insecurities and confusion I believe that this story was very In Character for him, and yes I agree with your perception of Wolfram as well! (I really wanna whack Yuri over the head a few times, ya know?)

"The lips were softer than melted ice cream, sweeter than honey and heated like the fire which the other possessed." This is an AWESOME description and oh so sweet, it made me hungry for ice cream covered in honey by the fireplace amoung other things... which were completely sated by your Yaoi, which was HOT HOT HOT! I'm glad that you mentioned at the end that Yuri felt the same... poor Wolf, I do agree that even though he would never really forgive Yuri for it, he wouldn't be able to leave Yuri if he truely did cheat. And I don't actually think that Yuri would cheat but his actions have always been at comflict with that because he's so nice and treats everyone equally, which essentually means that he's never treated Wolfram any differently then cute strangers, damn him. Anyway, my heart is broken but I still have hope, thank you for sharing your compelling work! Heh.
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