Reviews for To Save Everyone
cmr2014 chapter 45 . 2/13/2017
A new start must be nice.
cmr2014 chapter 38 . 2/13/2017
The problem with Knives is his lack of control.

You gotta chain that shit up, dude. Leash it. Then channel it. You ride the dragon, not the other way around.
cmr2014 chapter 37 . 2/13/2017
Don't confuse it with the Milk of Magnesia, please.
cmr2014 chapter 36 . 2/13/2017
Good gosh, it's like the blame game. Yeesh.
cmr2014 chapter 33 . 2/13/2017
I could have gone my whole life without that hospital scene. Far too close to home. Skipped the rest.
cmr2014 chapter 32 . 2/13/2017
Hate is how I used to shut the pain off. Hate has all sorts of uses, although in the long run it's a negative, Ghost Rider.
cmr2014 chapter 31 . 2/13/2017
Nothing says love like "I'd rather be dead than be with you."
cmr2014 chapter 29 . 2/13/2017
"His desert calmed him."
I like a good strawberry cake.

I can see the emotions underneath. And yet - maybe I'm an idealist, but romance should never and can never be forced. Holding hands should be voluntary and feel nice, not some kind of whatever this is. You're supposed to want to be around each other. You should want to be better, to be what she deserves. *drifts away to the past*

This is just frustrating.
cmr2014 chapter 28 . 2/13/2017
"Most people don't chug hard liquor at ten am."
What, something wrong with that?
cmr2014 chapter 27 . 2/13/2017
It feels like the relationship between a hostage and kidnapper, over the long term.

Somewhat bothersome.
cmr2014 chapter 26 . 2/13/2017
Well now then there.

Interesting letter, wonder how much she meant it.
cmr2014 chapter 24 . 2/13/2017
Rule 1. If nobody's doing anything to you, don't do anything to them.

Rule 2. If nobody's done anything to you, don't do anything to them.

Rule 3. If nobody's going to do anything to you, don't do anything to them.
cmr2014 chapter 23 . 2/13/2017
Consequences, indeed.
cmr2014 chapter 22 . 2/13/2017
Nothing like a good old-fashioned triangle.
cmr2014 chapter 21 . 2/13/2017
"The correct answer is nobody."
Nonsense. Plenty of people die slow, painful deaths. The problem lies on the opposite end - nobody is fit to decide who they are. One dude would inflict it on his boss, another on his prick neighbor, some would no doubt try to be just, but that's exactly the problem, we're so imperfect we can't truly be just, at some point you're going to mess up.

This gets very ethically complex. Are you a murderer for letting someone die? I really lean toward no. I'm not obligated to save someone, and that is not the same as killing them myself.
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