Reviews for 100 Drabbles
better-in-black-since-1234 chapter 2 . 6/20/2013
13 and 20 are my favorite they made me laugh! (18 was also one of my favorites)
RainbowGummyRawrz chapter 1 . 10/29/2010
Kyaaaaaa~ Update this soon please~ It was really good and I love a jelous and possesive sebastian~ Hahaha
Shinigami's Voice chapter 2 . 12/14/2009
While I applaud your efforts and have enjoyed several of the drabbles, it makes me a little sad to realize their resemblance to several drabbles written by other author. Another fantastic and very well known author of the Kuroshitsuji fandom, to say the truth, who posted her drabbles like 2 months before yours (and thus, is the original writer for the ideas, if not the prompts)

I don't need to point it out to you (of course) but Humor, Happiness, Anger, and even Futuristic and Naughty have a strong "copied" feeling to the originals.

I would advise you (from one writer to another) not to fall into the temptation to repeat/copy the work of others (even if they are such good ideas that one would love to write them too). It's unfair to the original writer.

This I know, of course, because I have been copied at least 2 stories myself, and believe me, it's a very sad feeling to find our work displayed by other people (sometimes only changing some word constructions but keeping our original ideas and emotions)

This is only a word of advice. I wish you the best. (And it wouldn't be a bad idea to remove the drablles that are not yours, I am surprised the original writer, my dear lady Moon, hasn't realized this)
Soulfightersu chapter 2 . 8/25/2009
Number 18 was quite funny in a wierd way, and number 20 sounded so nonchalant I cracked up laughing!
ilovewriting23 chapter 2 . 7/26/2009
Lovely :)
Kyrosi chapter 2 . 6/19/2009
Haha! Twelve had me giggling uncontrollably with fangirl-y happiness. I was hoping that would happen! Eighteen was especially enjoyable, too.
Amewica chapter 2 . 6/16/2009
You should put this on humor! XD number eight teen killed me! lmbo! 8D i can't wait for more!
Kyrosi chapter 1 . 6/16/2009
Really enjoyable so far. I loved ten. Jealous Sebastian is always fun to read about.
Amewica chapter 1 . 5/31/2009
XD awesomeness! Sebastien-CHAAN jealous! and of Lizzy! you are a god! - *cough* NH!*cough* UGH *cough* k I'm good anyway amazing fanfic! keep up the good work!~