Reviews for Star Trek: Extinction
Sally chapter 13 . 9/5/2019
I could deal with this story, except for the pairing of Spock and Uhura. Never happened in the Original Star Trek, never gonna work, no matter what JJ Abrams wanted to try and shove down Fans’ throats. Also, having Spock lose it and violently attack Uhura was just way over the top. No matter the reason, there is just no going back from that saving Spock as being the same character created by Roddenberry. You lost me, as a fan fic Writer goes.
Miss Fan Fiction chapter 1 . 7/27/2019
Oh my goodness! It's you! You posted this story, as well as the sequel, on deviantart, didn't you? I had no idea that you were on Fan Fiction! Or maybe you were all along, and I'm just super confused...

Anyway. I just LOVED you story! Absolutely loved it. Of course there were some parts I decided to skip for certain reasons, but other than that, this was a great story. It was VERY well written, and you did a great job on getting the points and feelings through to the reader so that they understood what the character was going through, I think. Everyone was perfectly in character, too.

Well, it was nice to see this story that you wrote, again. I was just thing of it a few days ago, lol. And trying to remember how I would find it again if I wanted to re-read it. Now, here you are! :D

I don't know if your even on this site anymore, let alone read these comments, but I busted to say that I really enjoyed reading your story, and I hopes that you enjoyed writing it. :). Fantastic job, all around! I also like your sequel to this story, as well.

Well, that's all I had to say, I think. Thank you again for a great read, and for keeping it... Well, somewhat rated 'K'. Nice to see you, again!

-Miss Fan Fiction
AliciaRoseFantasy chapter 38 . 3/11/2018
Well, man, that was one rough, emotionally supercharged ride. Very interesting solution. And I must say, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR NOT KILLING SPOCK AND HAVING A HAPPY ENDING! I really appreciate it :) I've read too many stories that kill Spock and don't warn about it. It gets terribly depressing.

I loved Uhura's love and support for Spock and that they're having a bubba :) Oh, and the sweet little kitty :) The fact that the cat played a part in keeping Spock in the world of the living through the feel of him purring on his belly makes him alright in my books :) And Pike's little visit finally helping spark Spock back to consciousness was beautiful.

This was certainly a unique story and quite a read :) Thanks for sharing!
whirlingskirts chapter 38 . 10/6/2017
After Saavik died, I began to despair that Spock would live. I wish that Uhura had been more actively involved in the plot but I guess her being pregnant so early in the story effectively placed her on the sidelines. Thank you so much for this story. I really enjoyed it!
whirlingskirts chapter 29 . 10/6/2017
Saavik dead. Didn't expect that!
whirlingskirts chapter 24 . 10/6/2017
You've got me on the edge of my seat.
whirlingskirts chapter 16 . 10/6/2017
Your plot is so intriguing so far — and I am so enjoying this!
Beachgirl25 chapter 38 . 9/19/2016
Can't wit for the squel!
Loki Joker Quinn Jr chapter 38 . 4/12/2016
Wow that was to good. Just amazing and the feels wow so strong I loved it
Loki Joker Quinn Jr chapter 5 . 4/8/2016
Ironic my cats name is sekbet the egiptin goddess of fire. But since it's a guy we call him seki for short and the cat in Tis book is Anubis lol they shuld meet some time. It's hard to type since he is biting my hand
tanseynz chapter 38 . 6/11/2015
Definitely a story that should be published. I could see it translating into a very effective film as well. Needs a little editing, but is a compelling read all the same.
missBAMF chapter 38 . 8/16/2013
What an amazing story! I'm can't believe I stumbled across this hidden jewel! This has to be one of the better written star trek stories on this site. It contains the perfect amount of suspense, action, and my favorite...spock angst! I'm so freaking excited to know there is a sequel!
NeverTooMuchInspiration chapter 38 . 5/21/2013
Another brilliant story. I would definitely love to buy a physical copy of this if it were ever published. It has a great balance of suspense and mystery, with all the characters being very well written.
Book girl fan chapter 38 . 1/6/2013
Your stories are just filled with so much emotion, they are stories that give me chills as I read. I am amazed at your ability to twist the plot, mislead, and eventually reach an amazing solution that I would never have even guessed existed. You are incredibly talented, and are blessed to be able to write with such skill.
CoulsonRocks chapter 38 . 4/2/2012
I enjoyed your story. Well done!
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