Reviews for Objects of a Class
AuralayKristine chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
In the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you this review is long and rambly and probably not terribly coherent. But it's complimentary, at least!

Okay, first of all, I have to tell you it's really, really unfair that you're both able to write this well AND do so about things like computer programming languages and Avagadro's number. See, lit majors like me, we've consoled ourselves about the fact that we've been totally lost since eighth grade algebra-and that the extent of our computer programming ability is putting html tags in our lj entries-by assuring ourselves that the math/computer/science nerds can't string together a coherent sentence to save their lives, let alone write a good piece of fiction. But you're pulling that proverbial rug out from under us, you know that? I just wanted to register my formal complaint to that effect up front.

But moving on to the slightly less petty part of my review... I have to say, there's nothing quite so...well, HOT, as finding a well-researched piece of fan writing. It's tempting to fudge things, particularly when writing a piece of fanfiction for an already-small fandom, but the fact that you not only researched but CITED your sources...well, that had me going before I even read the first sentence of the story itself. I knew it was gonna be good, because it was gonna be believable. I'm a firm believer that an author should always have done way more research than ever shows up in their fic if they really want it to work, and while I can't say how much of yours did, I can say it does work. Unquestionably.

This is where I stop sounding semi-educated and start with the fangirl flailing, mkay? mkay.

This. Was. AWESOME. I cannot get this story out of my head. You write the best Professor Billy I think I've ever seen. Granted, I've been reading fic in this fandom for a grand total of maybe a week, but I'm a fast and voracious reader, and it's been a slow week at work, so that still covers a decent amount of stories. I really liked Billy when I saw the movie; I'm in love with yours. You completely capture everything he is, and he becomes a CHARACTER in your hands, not just eye candy like he is in some of the other pieces I've read. It's tempting to make Grant into a chicken hawk, but finding an author who deals with the age difference in a believable, romantic, realistic way is like finding an extra present behind the Christmas tree. So thank you for that, and for all your stories (which I devoured as soon as I realized how freakin' awesome this one was gonna be).

All that said, the main reason I wanted to write you was to tell you I think this is the best line I've read in fanfiction possibly ever:

"The world was open-source."

Seriously-brilliant line. It takes a lot for a line to absolutely floor me the way that one did (and I do have a degree in literature, so I'm coming at this from a semi-experienced place). But I can't get it out of my head. It's perfect. Just...utterly perfect. The tie-in to the first meeting, the sentiment, the way it ties a huge truth about the world into the terminology and parameters of the story itself...that it's GRANT finally learning a bit of the lingo that so baffles him, and applying it to Billy-AND using it as a reminder to keep him close and cherish him-it's just...gah. I can't get over it. But apart from how awesome it is in the context of the story, it's also just so freakin' TRUE. Every now and then I pause and go, "The world is open-source!" in my head, then I nod and go, "Right on. Right on." It's profound and so simple at the same time. I'm probably freaking you out by now with how much I love the line, but it's TRUE.

Okay, enough from me, or I'm going to make even more of an idiot of myself. To sum up: You rock. And I might hate you a little bit for it, but I love you for it more. ;)

Keep on keeping on, yeah? Do what you do and know you do it better than a hell of a lot of the rest of us.

*bows in reverence*

VG Jekyll chapter 1 . 7/22/2009
“They can’t mate,” he said finally, expanded the data window, and highlighted a cell with his mouse. “They’re both male.” His mouth quirked. “Kill curve.”

Somehow I totally love this sentence. Great story.
Stormy1x2 chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
Thanks for letting me know this was up!

I loved this take - that Billy was never actually a paleontology student. And I actually feel I learned a HINT of something when those guys (and gal) were talking in the cafeteria using the lunch trays. However, Grant and I have much in common, one thing being higher technology doesn't like us. :D

I like that the relationship between them isn't thrust on us. It's just a steady read-through of natural friendship and the end parts where they ARE together feels like a natural conclusion. I enjoyed that very much.

In fact, i enjoyed the whole thing. Your talent is wasted here on FFNet but I'm glad you still post here, because I have a hell of a time getting on LJ.

Can't wait to read your next one!