Reviews for Go Ask Alice
ValekIxia631 chapter 9 . 7/2/2011
I just love Go Ask Alice. This is one of the best fanfictions I have ever read and although I know you haven't updated in a year I would still like you to update again. It would make my day, no make that my week. I love Jasper's personality and Alice's reactions its truly great. Please update. :)
angeliena chapter 9 . 12/1/2010
This is something different I lik it!
koko23cat chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
I've read through the first chpater quickly and I'm really excited. I've been looking for a new Jalice fic to get my teeth into. I'm going to wait until it's finished to read it properly then i will review every chapter. 'i hope your Jasper is yummy!
sora kinomoto chapter 9 . 4/25/2010
I really like this fic D! I also love tornadoes too, but like Alice, I've never seen one in real life XD (in Argentina there aren't tornadoes at all, and even if there are, aren't as big as the ones over there). Maybe that's why we both like it, because we never have been victim of its destruction. Anyway, I specially loved the last 2 letters, Alice rambling sure was cute ;).
oskigal chapter 8 . 4/19/2010
This was so sweet. I love that Alice is so confident in her planning and so nervous about Jasper. Thanks for the story, your writing as always is beautiful.
YazPistachio19 chapter 9 . 4/10/2010
Wow. I wish someone wrote me letters like that. I don't really remember the letters my husband used to write me when I was in college, (and he was just my boyfriend then) but I'm pretty sure they weren't as sweet.
Cherryflavorpez chapter 9 . 4/8/2010
Dude. So good. Will J still wear the Stetson if I call him Twinkie? :) Those two are just so cute. Is the next one gonna feature the pic of Ali you were working on a few months ago? Or wait, I thought he already had the pic. Hmm. I dunno. All I know is that I'm super Jazzed you updated (notice how I capitalized the J. It felt appropriate ;) Okay, I'm gonna go talk to you now. Hah. Can't wait for the Ali's reply!
Ferzinha chapter 9 . 4/8/2010
Well look at that. I CAN review from my phone!

BB, I love it! Before, the letters seemed like they both treaded carefully. Like getting used to this long distance, we-just-met relationship. But Namsper feels a lot more comfortable all around now!

Is it bad that I giggled bc it's nineteen 69? And I think that Stetson is not laying around just anywhere... Is at your house actually! LOL


Can we see the pic she best be sending him soon? LOL Can any of the ladies work some Photoshop magic? I can give it a shot when I get back but I make no promises. :)

It's hard to review in mah phonez. :/ If it wasn't for the autocorrect function thing this would have been unintelligible. And that word is probs spelled wrong. LOL

Me encanto, bb! Felicidades! 3 and mwa!
A Very Sexy Un-Birthday chapter 9 . 4/8/2010
*hugs jasper* aww is she going to send him a pic of her in bikini?

ily, sorry but i have to run :(

~O (- and that just looks DIRTY - or is it just me? lol)
DeadlyKittenKay chapter 9 . 4/7/2010
okay just to be safe swallow what ever is in your mouth *giggles* (dirty)

So I threatened with the wrath of hippielice AND IT WORKED! WOOT!

Review starts now:

I srsly think SM could get Monkey tickets if she wanted, she just wouldn't know how to enjoy the show ;)

1969 *snicker*

NGL, saw Wimberley and read it as Kimberly *palmface*

Oh please for the love of godiva (cause I don't like gouda lol) lets see the mean streak.. please *puppy eyes*

*squee* The picture! I haz the picture *happy dance*

aw he misses her and her crazy math ridden brain (sounds like someone else I know O.o)

OKay ramble review from emotional asstard complete (I blame chris lol)

I love it (DUH!) and you (Even bigger DUH there!)



P.s. How much did you want to beta this review? ;)
911turbowriter chapter 9 . 4/7/2010
Well, kimmy, no flames from me. A beautiful update as usual, but unfortunately no witty Twilight references to throw in that you can brag about on Twitter :)

I loved this... - "Alice, has anyone ever told you that you ramble when you're nervous? Because you do, even on paper. And even on paper, it's one of the most adorable things I've ever seen."...Because I always picture that as being her personality in almost all of the fics I read, and you can just imagine all the ideas buzzing around in her head, and jumbling together as she frantically tries to unscramble the thoughts and get them all organized. (If that made any sense at all?)

And of course, how I mixed up

"I have faith in you and what you can do with your friends"

and saw "I have faith in you and what you can do with your hands" which made be giggle, though if you think about it, the original idea alone is dirty too

"I have faith in you and what you can do with your friends"

*giggles* Okay, I'm all done now. *giggles* Okay, now I'm good.

-Logan 3
kirmit chapter 9 . 4/7/2010
HEY you updated while I was cleaning, what is that shit?

anyway, you know how I feel about my nommysper...

contygoldbarg chapter 8 . 4/7/2010
omg omg omg i was sure i reviwed this kimmy im so so sorry

i just can't keep track and i feel awfull coz you know how much i love this story i made a freaking trailer for it!

i just forgot to review yep im that selfish

i adored this chapter in this letter alice voice sounded very much like you

and saw the kim in alice and was just so adorable

ps: who dosnt love born to be wild?

Seriously Confused chapter 3 . 3/19/2010
I love how outspoken Alice is. i also like how you dwelled into her heartbreak. that has brought me to the right mindset and she's no longer just a figment of someone's imagination,she;s a molded character that can actually be real. i think that it's so cute how se doesn't want to share jasper with anyone andhow she;s doesn't want to tell anyone about him becasue then she would be sharing his memory. DId i say how much i like how outspoken she is? yeah i did. well that's all. time for another chapter so i can give you anotehr review

Au revoir,

Seriously Confused chapter 2 . 3/19/2010
I actually don't have much to say about this chapter except its a bit poetic and super sweet. i think you capture jasper's voice very well and i can actually imagine him saying these things...


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