Reviews for Bringing Sexy Back
Zara chapter 10 . 8/4/2013
I find that Mecca comment very offensive and I am this close to reacting. My uncle is a lawyer and most of my family are cops i don't think that it'll take too long to track down who you are. I'm not threatening you I'm just saying please be more careful of what you say in public
RainyNightsAreTheBest chapter 15 . 3/22/2012
Please, please, please, please, please continue this story!
alexindigo chapter 15 . 4/28/2011
Please update this story. You've captured a very real transition that new parents go through as they try not to not lose each other in embracing their new identity as parents. Great story! Thank you for sharing! )
VanCee123 chapter 15 . 2/28/2011
Saw this mentioned in the other story! Yes, you must continue!
laurzz chapter 15 . 1/29/2010
As promised, here I am.

See, like I just said in my other review, I love that story because you apply your own knowledge and experiences and channel it into Danny and Lindsay; which is just fantastic. I absolutely ADORE this story. Ithink it's my favourite of yours; aside from that oneshot you did a while back with Lindsay not dealing very well from Danny's shooting and injuries.

(totally going off on a tangent!)

But I love how you've developed this gradually. You've not had the happiness, then the problem, then the solution, then the ending. it's been set backs and then changing minds, and then 'let's go for it' and then 'oh but...' it's just so realistic and... I love it!

I must say, my favourite line had to be when Danny gently teased her about how taking a shower was not a valid activity to do without Lucy. I can see his smirk and her embarrassed smile in the mind's eye.

I'm sorry this review is so late, if I said I had the week from hell, it'd be an understatement; but alas, it's the weekend!

I can't wait for your next update m'love! Bravo on this one!
ncisabbylover chapter 15 . 1/24/2010
Hey! Can't wait for the date chapter...i love this :)

Love Abs x0x
asbestoswings chapter 15 . 1/24/2010
Hello there! :) thanks for posting a new chapter! I just got home from a trip, and I moseyed over to as soon as I saw the notification in my inbox. I actually haven't read it yet (still have to reply to a few days worth of unanswered mail in my inbox o_O), but knowing you, I'm sure it'll be great. :)

Will comment again when I read this chapter. :D
brinchen86 chapter 15 . 1/23/2010
I got really excited when I saw this update in my inbox and I'm so happy you updated this fic! I'm incredibly glad the fic turned out to be longer than you planned, because it is such a wonderful one. Like I said before, you have a wonderful understanding of Danny and Lindsay. And once again the love and trust between them came across in this chapter. I absolutely love that in here you show Lindsay having such a strong connection to Lucy that she wants to be around her all the time and Danny being the one who convinces her that Mac and Stella babysitting is just fine. Her feelings are so real again; I could totally imagine someone who just had a baby would feel like that. Which is no surprise after so many months of pregnancy. I love how Danny didn't try to tell Lindsay to do what he wanted but wanted her to trust in him and then decide. I could really imagine them standing there and watching Mac and Stella with the baby; cute! Once again there are so many tiny scenes that make the chapter real and makes it easy to imagine it all in your head; you have a real talent for that. And then there is this kiss between Danny and Lindsay; wow, that was sexy. It's good they will spend some time together and I'm so looking forward how that will be. All of the chapters so far were so amazing and so real; a real little story of a married couple with a baby. I don't know what to quote because pretty much the whole chapter made me squee. I'm so happy you updated this fic. I'm so looking forward to more!
mpatrico09 chapter 15 . 1/23/2010
I'm so happy that you're continuing with this story! I love your characterization, it's dead on. Please update soon...

ps - I'm glad to be back and reading your stories :)
AnickaMarie chapter 15 . 1/23/2010
Aww...that was sweet. Looking forward to the next update whenever you get a chance.
ZoeyBug chapter 15 . 1/23/2010
Adorable! I was all worried that she'd end up backing out and taking Lucy back home, but that didn't happen and it made me extremely happy and I'm rambling... Sorry 'bout that.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Married DannyLindsay date is too cute.
afrozenheart412 chapter 15 . 1/23/2010
Danny is sweet in here wanting to give Lindsay some time away from Lucy, but it is so painful to see that struggle within her. "It’s just...” she began trying to explain, glancing at his face then immediately lowering her eyes, “It’s just she’s been with me, a part of me, for almost an entire year. I can’t believe how much I feel for her. I don’t understand how I lived for so long without her and I haven’t figured out how to deal with all of that yet so I definitely don’t know how to deal with being away from her." Being a mom yourself, you must really feel the distress that Lindsay is going through now. You are our own Lindsay. :)

The Smacked was super! Like always Danny has to open his big mouth "Yeah,” then teased, “but a work place romance never works out." He knows that she still carries a gun, right? "Lucy began to whine, not liking being buckled into her seat since she was enjoying all the attention she’d been getting from the four adults. Lindsay made to step forward but Danny stood and caught her arm, hindering her approach." I cried for Lindsay here, she will always be connected to Lucy. "As she brought her body closer to his, she felt a wave of pleasure spread through her body as his heat warmed her inside and out. The familiar scent of Danny’s cologne triggering memories of past romantic moments." Looks like Sid's advice is working well. Attaboy, Danny! Are you kidding me? I'm going to stick with this to see whether or not Danny finally gets his night with his Montana. ;)
The-Kiwi-CSI chapter 15 . 1/23/2010
Well, I have been waiting a little while for this story to be updated, it was one of the first fan fics I ever read, and so I was excited when I saw it pop up in my inbox.

And let me say, I was not disapointed. That update was definately worth waiting for. Can't wait for the next one.
madmush chapter 15 . 1/23/2010
I am so pleased that this story is back! I loved it last time & I am so looking forward to the date!

You really got the worrying mother right! I don't have kids but I have been around more new mothers than I care to count & they are all the same when leaving their babies for the first time! You played it so sweet with just the right amount of worry & nervousness. And Danny? Well, he played it just right encouraging Lindsay to leave Lucy. It could have been harsher but it was perfect!

And the distraction? I could do with one of those, right about now...

I am probably almost as excited by the date as they are! That is so sad, but true on this very quiet weekend!
Colie04 chapter 14 . 12/3/2009
I just realized that I didn't comment on this amazing chapter yet. I really loved how you incorporated your other story into this one. Now Mac finally knows what Danny did for Lindsay on Mother's Day.

I love how supportive & protective Danny is over his girls. Especially after what they went through on the subway. He would do anything for his girls.

What a sweet mother/daughter moment. Looks like Danny is going to have his work cut out for him.

Great job. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more!
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