Reviews for Love Stinks
Vioxxin chapter 1 . 11/5/2010
I honestly adored this. There aren't many stories here that revolve around someone other than Yin, Yang and Yuck so this was a nice bit of fresh air. And you handled her accent flawlessly. I actually read this a long time ago before I even had an account and I still loved it. Even though I'm not a fan of the pairing(s), this swept me off my feet. :) I've always felt for Melodia, the poor sweetheart.
GriffinsMustFly chapter 1 . 8/28/2009
I really like did the accent perfectly. Wonderful ending!
nikki-kun05 chapter 1 . 6/8/2009
I feel horrible. I mean, I don't have much to say except that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I don't even know much about the series but I still liked reading it (you have a knack for that, doncha? ;D). Like I've said, there isn't much to say...I feel for Melodia, poor thing. Anyway, keep up the awesome work dude!
Nobility chapter 1 . 6/7/2009
AWESOME. Honestly, I had totally forgotten about Melodia and her crush on Yang, and this fic... just made me love them. I mean, I still prefer YangxLena, but dang it, MelodiaxYang is just... sweet. As you've demonstrated.

I really have no criticism. Even the accent, which you would think would get annoying after a while, didn't bother me- it only helped the story in the long-run, actually. You could hear Melodia's voice as you read.

*Instantly faves*
Apples Of Avalon chapter 1 . 6/7/2009

...But it's a nice story. I like how you wrote it from Melodia's point of view. And the accent fits her! XD