Reviews for Harry's Summer Holiday
Guest chapter 6 . 10/5/2013
LittleMissLoony chapter 6 . 9/29/2010
:( Thanks for reviewing my story, but I'd really love you to continue this one. I love the storyline ;) Please :)
TsukiyoTenshi chapter 6 . 2/21/2010
Harmony101 chapter 2 . 12/12/2009
I can't wait for him to make it to Hermione's!
Harmony101 chapter 1 . 12/12/2009
I'm watching the movie right after I finish on the computer. I like the prologue but I don't really like Ginny all that much. ;)-*winks*
Harmony101 chapter 1 . 12/12/2009
I'm watching right after I finish on the computer. Anyway love the prologue but I
Luiz4200 chapter 6 . 10/21/2009
What happened different in this fic to have Minerva as Headmistress?
The-Beautiful-Swan chapter 6 . 9/27/2009
? I don't know why people think this story is bad I thought you made the characters very believeable. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and mine is that your story is amazing!


colourfullworld chapter 5 . 9/5/2009
When i write this i assume that you are above the age of 15.

If you are below 15 years of age then i must congratulate you on a magnificient effort. there are lots of places where you can improve.

but if you are older, then you want to read through the following very carefully...

This story has all the characters out of their personality. If you are writing harry potter fanfiction then you would do well to not completely alter their personality... since when did Harry have a mom that he says"5 more mins MOM" thats the habit of a normal kid with a good homelife not of a kid whose relatives call him FREAK.

and Hermione not knowing how badly harry wants to defeat Voldemort.. You got to be kidding me.

Either make the story a completely new story( i.e remove it from harry potter fanfiction) or get your personality descriptions right.

I normally overlook such things, for the sake of a good plot but this is blatant disregard to Harry Potter universe.

Do not take this personally.. get yourself a beta who will at least read through your stories and give a third person perspective.

i get a feeling you dont even proof-read your stories before posting.

But i would say that its a great effort. keep up the writing..

you will improve definitely.

please take the criticism positively.
grookill chapter 4 . 9/4/2009
Well, I think the story is okay.

Unfortunately I do NOT like reading improperly formatted stories. If this were poetry I'd forgive it as it is a stylistic decision. This is not a poem and thus does not get such an exemption.

If you repost this properly justified on the left I'll give it another chance.
Gandalf the White Edelweiss chapter 6 . 9/4/2009
I loved it!
Gandalf the White Edelweiss chapter 5 . 9/4/2009
Why would harry say 'One more minute, Mum,' when he has never really had a Mum? Wouldn't it be like 'Sorry, Aunt Petunia,' or something or another.
LK-HoGwArTs-hEaDgIrL chapter 6 . 9/4/2009
Amazing! There Are No Other Words For This Story! Please Don't Take That The Wrong Way! This Story Is A Joy To Read! Amazing! Simply Amazing! Your So Evil! Lol!
Gandalf the White Edelweiss chapter 4 . 9/4/2009
I loved it!
Gandalf the White Edelweiss chapter 3 . 9/4/2009
I loved it!
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