Reviews for You've Been Behroozed!
bizzleb chapter 7 . 12/15/2009
Good work on this story. Seeing characters long after they're done...
OutCold chapter 7 . 12/14/2009
Great to have a criminal in here, also cool that you have him continuing his activities, but with the doubt at the end.

Marwan was such a cool bad guy (not as good as Saunders though). Love his death scene.

And the Airforce One thing was so clever.

Great way to close this for now - I'll tell you if I think of anyone.

OutCold chapter 6 . 12/14/2009
I love the general acceptance and peacefulness with the touch of bitterness at the end, it's perfect.

And how much David's death hit her, I think that's really apt and likely.

And the dream thing... just... just wow.

OutCold chapter 5 . 12/14/2009
"the illustrious David" If I said 'lol', I'd say it here.

I love how he keeps up the interest in, y'know, life, and pushes on.

It's horrible about his son of course.

Besides, you just have to watch TWW to know canes look very presidential. P

OutCold chapter 4 . 12/14/2009
Yay! Oh I'm glad they're alive and well and Amy's all good in school and stuff.

And that Martha helped - she was such an amazing character.

Yes, avoid politics.

It's great that you're finishing these stories. DD

OutCold chapter 3 . 12/14/2009
Ahh, I love Wayne. Even when he's being an arsehole, I love him.

I'm glad he has most of his memories left, I think that's really important for people.

David... *sobs* Now that is a memoir I'd like to read.

:'( Love this chapter.

OutCold chapter 2 . 12/14/2009
I did always wonder what happened to Jane. This is what I love about you (among other things). You remember every character.

Jane and Kim meeting would be awesome. They're kind of different sides of the same coin.

MI6 agent/terrorist's daughter and ... Jack's daughter.

The grave sounds beautiful, and really appropriate. I like that she visits, even if she couldn't forgive him.

BrettR4763 chapter 1 . 9/6/2009
Wow, so good, so cool. The writers of 24 always intended to give canonical closure to the story of Behrooz. There's a deleted scene from the 10 P.M. episode in which Curtis Manning personally rescues Behrooz, which also explains why Curtis went dark for those two hours-and they even tried to correct their initial stupid mistake by adding a reference to rescuing Behrooz differently in the 6 A.M. episode (which ended up being deleted too)-so I've always accepted that he was alive and enjoyed an uneventful, peaceful life after that. And your story here is a perfect cadence to his story.

Brilliant, beautiful. Thanks.
MusicBoxDancer chapter 1 . 8/18/2009
Awesome story! Can you write one on Jane Saunders from Season 3? I think she got Behroozed! even more than Behrooz did! The aftermath of her situation was never explored or even mentioned again. If you write something for her as well as you did with this piece, we're all in for a real treat!

Many thanks!

Kayla Chabert
OutCold chapter 1 . 6/9/2009
Behroozed! Fantastic. I always wondered what happened to him (I mean, I watched the Bonus Features, but they never actually showed it). It annoyed me, so I'm glad your doing this.

This is amazing as usual, very raw and emotional.

My mind's gone blank - who else has been Behroozed?