Reviews for iWork Out! Jealous?
hellandheavenandearth chapter 2 . 2/2/2010
no why did you stop plz continue plz plz plz with a cherry on top
Hypo'Lana chapter 2 . 6/27/2009
Haha - i really like this!

Especially when Freddie was saying he'd like to beat Sam senseless with the weight (a tad harsh lol) but if only he could lift it LOL.

Anyway hope you update soon!

And i'm lloking foreward to watchin the new epsidoe on seen as though it'll probably air here in months :( but hey i still get to see it! Though i'd rather watch it on my cool TV lol.
leonamuni chapter 2 . 6/26/2009
Yay! I loved these first two chapters! Sam, Freddie and Carly are nicely in character and it was really funny and etertaining to read. I love the way in wich Freddie narrates the story, it's great, and I was like "aw, sam! bad freddie!" when Freddie basicaly said there was no point in him hanging out with her if they weren't training. But then he made up for it ] I'm seriously looking forward to iMust Have Locker #239 too! Also looking forward to your next update *hint hint* Here, have an inspirational baby turtle picture /.a/-pi

SupahFreakyHyperSpaz chapter 2 . 6/25/2009
obsessive-elphaba chapter 2 . 6/25/2009
I'm excited about the new episode! Seems way Seddie-ful if you ask me! And that seems like a compliment from Sam to me. Haha, I wanna see Freddie beat up Culver! If that doesn't impress Sam, nothing will!
theweepyhystericaldrunk chapter 2 . 6/25/2009

lol...the chair straddling part was...dare i say it? SEXY! coz freddie is such a smexy beast!
luna moody chapter 2 . 6/25/2009
Alright You got me! Love it so far. And yes I'm excited about locker #239!
theweepyhystericaldrunk chapter 1 . 6/14/2009
Wow! this is interesting!PLEASE update! soon! keep up the good work by the way!
obsessive-elphaba chapter 1 . 6/12/2009
It also means a sweaty muscular (sorta) shirtless Freddie to set the mood. hehe 0/0 :)

Listen, I am a ghost and you will update this as fast as you can

Hypo'Lana chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
I'm liking it!

I think it can be really great!

And it was well written, so well done to you!

My favourite line ot lines lol: 'We then began to argue using obnoxious noises. That’s my favorite way to do it; I don’t have to think of a good comeback.' That just made me laugh so hard haha. I thinkit's because i argue like that all the time and i can totally imagine Sam and Freddie as well.

Oh and just so you know you spelt fruit Kebab wrong. Not to be picky or anything (normally i don't point out spelling mistakes.), but there's a reason for this one. YOu spelt it Kabob and i though that was such a hilarious word lol!

Ok i'm going haha.
HookedOnAvatar011 chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
lol, I loved it! I nearly busted a gut at the 'arguing with obnoxious noises' part!
iSeddie chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
..where have you been all of my life? this is the first story I clicked on today and I loved it! The detail is perfect, and I love the way you get into his head (the humor is there definitely, lol). oh my gosh, i have so many parts of this chapter that I like. let's see.

'I am talking about the biggest, baddest (excuse my poor grammar) guy in all of Ridgeway High: Lance Culver. Culver, as in ‘pulver..izes.’ Then add me, Freddie Benson, to the end of that.'

'Yeah, I’ve always wanted a black eye to match my dress shoes. Real classy.'

'“Oh my God Freddie! What happened to you? It was Lance, wasn’t it? Ugh, I hate him! Let me get you an ice pack. Aww, are you okay? Darn Lance and his big muscles!”

That’s what it sounds like, in case you were wondering.'

LOL, oh god that had me cracking up! you're a good writer! and i must say that your style of writing is one of the most intersting styles i've seen on fanfiction. it flows nicely and is fun to read, right up there with the professionals.

can't wait to see what Sam has in store for him next! Let the torture and funniness begin. -peace
MightyHere chapter 1 . 6/9/2009
I am luvin the story already!

update soon and i wonder how freddie's training will go? :)