Reviews for One Night on the Roof
guest chapter 1 . 8/31
Awww Leo is such a good brother if only my older sister was as understanding as Leo. Mikey is lucky. Actually They all are lucky to have a good brother like Leo.
By the way I loved this! Great job!
ilovecartoonsgirl chapter 1 . 11/29/2015
awww...yay, a Leo and Mikey moment! :) I...this is just too beautiful for words. This was a great oneshot and you should feel proud!
bookworm563 chapter 1 . 3/18/2015
Why hasn't this story gotten reviews in a few months? What kinda of cruel joke is that, this is amazing! You did an awesome job at portraying Leo's and Mikey's emotions, the worry, seriousness, and dash of humor. The fluff was real, i loved it!
hiccup-mikey-robin chapter 1 . 8/15/2014
That was nice. I like serious Mikey-big bro Leo moments.
GirlforGod99 chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
nice. love mikey!
NotYourGrandparentsPenPal chapter 1 . 3/18/2013
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 9/20/2011
Aww, such a heartfelt fic. I can see Mikey feeling this way about his friends and Leo cheering him up the best he can. I think that's one of the things I really hated about Fast Forward besides the lame battle cry they suddenly instilled in the Turtles that had never been there before and Serling and Biggles. But I liked how you did this. Great job.

The Bubbly One,

BlowMyHeartUp chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
This is one of my most favourite stories :) I love Mikey/Leo interactions (Mikey's my favourite) I'd never thought about the whole 'all our friends are dead' thing :( It's so heartbreaking! Poor guys. Oh! And I loved Don and Raph, even though they only played small parts, I thought it was cute how Don had no idea what was going on and Raph was concerned :) Thanks for the story! Keep writing more please! :)
Darlantana chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
Don't get many fics centered around one of the most hated seasons of TMNT, but it's nice to see there are some who'll give it some thought. Nice story! I really enjoyed it.
Strgrl4eva chapter 1 . 2/22/2010
Ok so I heard about this story from a guy boasting about how your a great artist (because they also apparently follow you on DA) and a great animator but there's just something special about your writing. So my expectations are skyrocketing and I get to your story and I'm reading it... and I'm not so impressed. Thoughts run through my mind saying "Well... its alright... not really special or original..." but I keep reading... starting to wonder why there's so much dialog. "Not enough descriptions" I note... but I keep reading... and then... I'm sitting on the edge of my seat so thrilled about the angst, making notes to myself on how to improve my own writing by following your example. Next I'm rereading your story just loving every moment of it.

So I love TMNT and have fatefully followed the show and all the movies since I was seven. When the newest show came out I was excited but quickly discarded it after the first 30 seconds deeming it 'stupid' and the animation 'annoying'. Lol. But you just convinced me to watch it. lol.

One more thing. You're wicked and defiantly have a gift where so many are lacking... I guess two gifts according to that guy. Art and writing. lol. I always was jealous of those like that. So keep doing what you do and I'll defiantly be looking forward to ANY new stories you post :D
Moonsetta chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
I suddenly wonder what it would be like if there was no sugar in the future. Everyone would go crazy!

How did Mikey connect hot chocolate and ice cream anyways?
SubtleBubbles chapter 1 . 1/8/2010
Aw I love this! Its so chock-full of Big bro moments And you're so right, there was no real angst in the Fast Forward series...I have to admit I love your take on it though, good job characterizing them:D

T420000 chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
love this story : )
Revriley chapter 1 . 10/27/2009
Good job! I liked the idea very much!
Cindy Silverwhip chapter 1 . 10/25/2009
AWW! That was pretty dang good for a first time TMNT fic! I loved how the hot chocolate turned into icecream at the end, lol. Classic Mikey, food on the brain.

And what a serious topic for someone like Michelangelo to be thinking about. Though its refreshing to see someone put him in that position. It's always the bright, optimisic ones that its fun seeing a different, unexpected personality on. That was some deep stuff to. My heart broke a little when he said "All of 'em Leo. Dead dead dead." I dont know if you meant to convey this but it felt like he was forcing some kind of distance into his words to sound like seeing their headstones hadn't effected him that much but CLEARLY it did.

Amazing job. I think you make a great author as well as an artist! I've seen your stuff. It's really good! So bravo on being great at both!
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