Reviews for Immoral Love
Blackpink chapter 19 . 7/20/2018
I just Finish reading the last chapter that this author has posted and this has potential please update soon outer oute finish reading the last chapter that this author has posted and this has potential please update soon
ice princess chapter 19 . 7/9/2018
will zero be yuki's husband as well?
Birds of Prey chapter 19 . 7/9/2018
Kaname is not Yuki's biological brother, he died when Rido sacrificed him so revive the ancestor Kaname. Yuki doesn't call Kaine Cross 'father' unless he says so. Vampires can't look at the sun. Ren Kiryu and Ai Kuran needs to exist in the future. Purebloods injury is healable, including having one's head cut off or blown to pieces, if a Pureblood uses the blood of another Pureblood to heal them. When a Pureblood vampire is killed, their bodies slowly disperse into small sparkles before shattering into shards of glass. A vampire lower than them turns to dust.
Kay chapter 6 . 5/27/2018 it. I LOVE THIS! It's difficult to find a fanfic where the characters are so well and accurately portrated, and i love the storyline so much that I'm planning to just grab coffee and read this entire fanfic in a go
Missy the Cat chapter 18 . 1/9/2018
When is Kaname going to tell Yuki that they are not blood related siblings? And vampires fear and respect purebloods by instinct, not attack them like ordinary ones.
Guest chapter 19 . 8/2/2017
It's been six years and this is still a wonderful yume fic
LynnHF chapter 19 . 6/26/2017
Please finish it. My sister and I are new to the Vampire Knight series. So if you can please finish that would be amazing. I'm really interested in finding out how they kill Sara-san, but what would be cool would be if Yuki and Kaname had to combed their powers in order to kill her.
LynnHF chapter 2 . 6/22/2017
All I'm saying is this better be complete, your doing a good job.
xxVerdandixx chapter 19 . 4/12/2017
The twins are so cute! Absolutely love the YuMe moments! Hopefully, Sara will be defeated soon... Thank you for writing this beautiful story!
Guests chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
BabyDollJR chapter 19 . 11/2/2015
That Sara should die! It's annoying having yuki in danger all the time and not listening to kaname . Like "listen to him! He got this shit" but I guess whats what makes her yuki. Yume
Gothicfio chapter 19 . 6/26/2015
Please write more! This is the only good fan fiction I've come across that is Yuki & Kaname!
Missy the Cat chapter 19 . 5/10/2015
Please write more chapters soon!
Darth-Taisha chapter 19 . 4/23/2015
I hope some day you update this, I have really enjoyed reading it. Excellent job!
Darth-Taisha chapter 18 . 4/23/2015
A snow-bound cabin, sounds lovely. At least the family is all together.
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