Reviews for Promises
Nina feliz chapter 2 . 10/7/2011
I really like this version of the brother!

Ver y good work here :D
ChaosandMayhem chapter 8 . 8/5/2009
*pokes incessantly* Where have you been? I missed you! :O

Anyways, brilliant chapter once more! I feel bad for Danny, even though he seemed a bit scuzzy in the movie. (Assuming that our spine transplant here is the same one we saw in ze film...)

You're such a great writer. Which reminds me...where is our next installment of Luigi's Peculiar Adventure? I need more!

Heehee...I think you should do one 'promise' for out victim for Night Surgeon? (Would you consider it with a Pavi on top? :D)


ChaosandMayhem chapter 7 . 7/11/2009
Man oh man. Woman's intuition is right on the money here. Poor Marni. :(

This was incredibly bittersweet! Personally, my favorite bit was the seemingly throwaway line about the "darker voice". It seems so innocuous, but any proper Repo fan knows that it's Nathan's darker side beginning blossom. Very clever!

zzxxccvvbbnnmm chapter 7 . 7/11/2009
Aw... It's so touchingly sweet and beautiful! Not many Repo stories are happy, but this one is and it doesn't seem out of place. Very good job! I love it!
RabbitHash2016 chapter 7 . 7/11/2009

Talk about your famous last words. I swear I got chills up and down my spine when I read this chapter.

Please don't stop here, I'm eager to see what ideas you have next.

RabbitHash2016 chapter 6 . 6/30/2009
Touching and heartbreaking all at once. Poor Nathan...and extra-poor Marni.

Keep up the most excellent work.
ChaosandMayhem chapter 5 . 6/29/2009
You are absolutely right. Domestic abuse is NOT okay. Good for you for having the guts to address such a harsh topic! I can feel the exhausted vibes coming from this fic...musta been a helluvah thing to write.

"I needed a kidney transplant desperately/GeneCo showed this single mom sympathy/This makeover came for a small added fee/Now I look smashing on live TV!"

Clever to incorporate the lyrics into the fic!

Powerfully moving and an interesting bit of Repo! we never get to see.

ChaosandMayhem chapter 4 . 6/29/2009
Oh, Carmela, Carmela, Carmela. When will you learn?

Interesting moment for her to pick her stage name! You know, I always wondered how she ended up with that name...

Poor Rotti. He'll never learn that the moment he stops giving, his kids will stop taking.

ChaosandMayhem chapter 3 . 6/29/2009
Poor Mag. :( She has no idea accurate her intuition is.

Loved the nervousness you clearly get across here, and Marni's cheerful deposition which so puts Mag at ease.

Right-o! Off to read the next chapter!

ChaosandMayhem chapter 6 . 6/29/2009


I haven't been reviewing! I know, I know! *is abashed* I'm so sorry, I promise I'm going to jump backwards in a few moments.

Forgive me!


Onto the actual review.

Oh. My. Goodness. Of all the chapters I've read thus far, this one is the one that struck me as pure brilliance. Nathan and Rotti, the best of friends...until Marni got in the way of course.

The simple thought and emotion you put into all of your work is amazing. This, my friend, is the best thing of you've written yet, including "Murder Is Crimson". We all know what's going to happen, and so that weighs heavy upon the heart as you read this through.

You really have to feel sorry for Nathan and Rotti.

"Every client has has had is well and alive."-Of course you meant "he has had", right? :P

Awesome job!

FreedomOftheSeas chapter 5 . 6/29/2009
This is by far the most beautiful chapter of this series. So well written thought thoughtout.

""Ow..." She winces. Her blonde locks gently cascade to her shoulders. Mascara is smeared from the relentless tears. Eye shadow mingles with bruises and coagulated blood. As she leans forward, she sobs. It's controllable. Her body shudders in the violent movement. She's in shock that she did it. She went through with it. He's dead... She thinks. He's dead. The thought replays over and over in her mind."

Your prose is haunting, chilling and so well done.

I hope you continue this story :) I'm definitely looking forward to more.
FreedomOftheSeas chapter 4 . 6/29/2009
"My God, they're going to suck me dry. He waves the check in the air only for her to snatch it in a minute's notice.

Sweet... Carmela thinks. It's a good stage name. She likes it. Amber Sweet."

Oh goodness, what a greedy little girl. Her parents should have known better.

Another great installment!
FreedomOftheSeas chapter 3 . 6/29/2009
Powerful installment!

I like how you've used the heightened scenes to your advantage in this chapter with Mag.

"Although Mag cannot see that smile, she can feel it. To her, it's a ray of light beaming down on her. It puts her at ease."

I love how she can feel her smile! I'd love to see how you would handle Mag seeing for the very first time. I think you'd do a wonderful job.
FreedomOftheSeas chapter 2 . 6/29/2009
What a heartwarming, brotherly chapter you have here! It's a nice little change from the havok they always seem to ensue.

Once again, you have a strength at creating meaningful bonds between people.

"The two brothers made a pact long ago that they fail to mention. It is only meant for their eyes, ears, and memories. It is embeded deep in their minds. They remember their younger years. Everything had been different."

I think that is reflected really well in this passage.

Great work! :)
FreedomOftheSeas chapter 1 . 6/29/2009
This was a great start to such an intriguing story! Your work was highly recommended by my good friend ChaosandMayhem, and I was so glad I decided to take a peak.

I love the father/daughter banter in this chapter.

""Yes, I'm sorry. It's just- Please, Shilo. Don't do this. I've said it a hundred times. You can't go out. It's not safe. You'd need to keep track of your meds- your blood pressure. The world is a cruel place that will rip you apart. It will devour you as it jabs a knife deep inside your heart. The world ruins hopes and dreams...""

I love the relationship you've created. It's always a challenge to illustrate such a bond, but you're definitely on the right track.

Great work! Looking forward to more.
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