Reviews for Never Stopped Loving You
luv2beloved chapter 18 . 5/25/2010
You rally jumped all over the place with this chapter I was beyond confused. Update soon!
luv2beloved chapter 17 . 5/25/2010
Things are starting to come together. i am guessing this is the run in of vamps from the time around Emily's wedding
luv2beloved chapter 16 . 5/25/2010
So she planned it. You sneaky little ...that explains the necklace that Jake found in the previous chapter.
luv2beloved chapter 14 . 5/25/2010
Now Im confussed I thought they were planning something from a year in advance...
luv2beloved chapter 13 . 5/25/2010
I don't think jake was there.
luv2beloved chapter 12 . 5/25/2010
I am thinking that this christian guy will be what Jake was to Bella
luv2beloved chapter 11 . 5/25/2010
I would have just hunted on my own...
luv2beloved chapter 10 . 5/25/2010
Glad to see that she realized she can;t have anything other than Jake
luv2beloved chapter 9 . 5/25/2010
I'm not sure about this guy and still concerned about her lack of emotions with the imprint she should not be feeling much toward anyone else
luv2beloved chapter 8 . 5/25/2010
Jake is being an ass. I am not going to like this new mystery guy. I do like how Ness has an I don't care attitude going on
luv2beloved chapter 7 . 5/25/2010
How could Jake even think that ness didn't want him. Edward is going to set Jake striaght or at least I hope so!
luv2beloved chapter 6 . 5/25/2010
Okay so you have the Ness point of view being current and Jakes POV being in the future where they are planning.
luv2beloved chapter 5 . 5/25/2010
Gabby and Ness seem like they will get along well. David seems cute but not too sure about this third character who doesn't seem to have a name, please do not have a love interest there. I am ready to know what is going on back in Forks and curious as to why no one has come after Ness yet to rescue
luv2beloved chapter 4 . 5/25/2010
Who's there? Hopefully a Cullen or better yet Jake! Doubt it though
luv2beloved chapter 3 . 5/25/2010
A babysitter? That seems to be a little odd and cannot imagine ness being a babysiter for anyone.
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