Reviews for Evergreen
CrimsonOwl08 chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
you need to continue this. It is too good to be a one shot. Would love to see Kaien get his inspiration back and see more antics from Zero and Aido! pwease *puppy dog eyes*
Yuyne chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Can you squeeze in some Yaoi? Please? Like Kaze?
AncientPurebloodPrincessLolita chapter 1 . 7/10/2011
I love it!

Please update soon~!

I love how you balanced out the personalities of the group and the way you lightly hinted at the pairs through Kaien's eyes.

Also, this is what I garthered from the last bit/Images I got during the fic...

Takuma Conscience/ Senri's Caregiver

Senri Bored Zombie with model good looks


Kaname Zero Worshipper, plain and simple...

ZeroNot-so-Secret Kaname Likerer/Trouble maker and partner in crime to one...

(Double LOL, wait 4 it),

AidouTROUBLE (yes, in Captials)

Akatsuki In your words 'Doting Older Brother' -is not even going to talk about the kink that came to mind when she read that-

Triple LOL

Yagarifuture Cancer Patient (I got this from and I quote you, 'Yagari inhaled another lungful of his cancer stick...'


I laugh so hard I nearly had a heart attack!

-actually not joking about the above, not in the very best of health right now-

In any case, I loved it. I can't wait to see what you do with it next!


LuanRina chapter 1 . 1/14/2011
Love it!It was so funny and exciting to read!All boys together is the best thing ever and Gawd, Zero-chan and Aidou as partners in crime and the ones who always do something mischievous was just so hilarious and enjoyable!And of course Kaname-sama's unstoppable and never-ending affection towards Zero-chan as well as their relationship was such a delicious thing *smirks*

Haha!Ichijou running after the two was the funniest thing ever! ! The mental image so made me laugh my ass off here XDD

BTW, as usually, plot is very interesting and appealing. Oh, and I rather like this version of Cross too *nods*

Please update! :D
kachoi85 chapter 1 . 7/27/2010
The interaction between the boys is so cute and amusing. I especially laughed at the part when Takuma chased after Zero and Hanabusa. :D I love how you're not afraid to try new things with these characters. Keep up the good work!
WhiteCrow96 chapter 1 . 2/25/2010
Please update! I've been waiting forever!
plummy-kins chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
this story is really good and i love how everyone is so close please write another chappy soon ok... please!
BeautifulSimplicity chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
XD I thought it was lovely, OCC-ness or not.
skie89 chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
I actually like how OOC they are. Please write more!
MacLee chapter 1 . 7/23/2009
I really like this story! I like the OOCness of the characters, I don't know, it just seems to fit with this story. I can't wait to read more and I hope you update soon!
TastyFantasy chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
Please continue! I really like the story, can't wait the next chapter...

Thanks for writing!
Craze Izumi chapter 1 . 6/17/2009
Kaien here leans more towards the hunter Kaien in the original manga. I guess.

Now I wonder how long Yagari had known those "brats" as said by Yagari

Hope to have more chapters coming for this one.
BeYukii chapter 1 . 6/16/2009
i like it,i like it! you'll continue this right? please please (puppy eyes) i wanna read more,it's so cute beginning
20eKuRaN19 chapter 1 . 6/15/2009

I really like the plot.. Hehehe... There might be some OOC-ness -is this a word anyway?-, it's heartwarming... Totally cool.. Besides it's a break from Zero not being able to be with Kaname's group...

Hahaha... And I really think it would be outrageous if those who entered the school in difficulty heard what's Hanabusa and Zero's reason for choosing Kaiou... Hahaha...

This not a one-shot right?

Hehehe.. If not, please update soon..

Good luck and God Bless..
ryuuenkayla chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
More! this is so cool . And unique in such a way that now it's about Kaien and written from his point of view...
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