Reviews for all that's best of dark and bright
beianzhen chapter 1 . 5/10/2016
This was fantastic!
meriland25 chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
So cute and in character! Have a nice day:)
xerrex chapter 1 . 6/30/2013
Cute! Nice to see how you made their relationship slowly and subtly develop. Keep it up! :)
Pentastic chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
I liked the white board messaging concept. It was really cute!
TorrentialDownFall chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Wow too funny! I love that you made Casey smart in books but dumb in common sense, I love that she took everything so literally.

I really liked how you integrated like three conversation pieces within each letter/text/e-mail or whatever they were- mostly becasue that is how I talk and text- lol

My favorite line was..

"No one deserves to have their ex-girlfriend pour paint over herself in the opposing team's colors in the middle of the second period, Case."

... so funny I totally laughed out loud.

I know you wrote this story a long time ago but I read it, laughed at it, and wanted more of it so I must give you props : )
Sarah Rose Serena chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
Funny and Cute as Hell.
freak with a pen chapter 1 . 10/5/2009
meh... not great but it was okay, worth reading
SusanMarieS chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
i don't know why but i'm actually starting to like these kinda storys. good job. thanks fo rhthe effort.
Mrs. Pepperwood chapter 1 . 8/17/2009
This was so cute - and it was really funny.

They were perfectly in character.

Good job!
humanthesaurus chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
this was funny & in-character & well-written & all, but it just sort of...ENDED. just dropped off with out a conclusion. that's all.

& it's cute how Derek gave Jack a black eye & lied about it & Casey, being clueless, believes him.
TangibleChaos chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
Very cute, made me smile reading it. Loved the "P.P.S. Yeah. Imagine that." totally not obvious at all ;D
teejplease chapter 1 . 6/28/2009
... I love this. Please update
fanfictionlover101 chapter 1 . 6/27/2009
This story was absolutely hilarious! You should definitely write something else like it or continue it. I love it!
hushhushyou chapter 1 . 6/17/2009
Uh.. I definitely just reviewed and I had to clear up something I said in the review which I said something about Casey trying to get with Paul? Yah sorry.. I was confusing myself with another OC in a different story I had just read lol. I meant Jack of course! And I put Jack and Paul in the same sentence and still didn't notice.. Anyway, once again I loved the story! You're an amazing author and I hope to read more LWD stories from you! And sorry for bothering you with this measly review but it was bugging me that I messed that up xP.
hushhushyou chapter 1 . 6/17/2009
So I definitely read this on livejournal and I concluded to the fact that.. you are AMAZING! This was so well written. I love picturing Derek&Casey in college (because with the crap they gave us at the end of LWD, we all need something to remind us that Dasey still lives on!). So let me tell you how superb your story was. First off, I loved the form you put this story in. How unique! Having them write in letters (or are they emails? I wasn't sure) was a clever idea. Then with how Casey signed her full name at the bottom like it was some sort of professional letter xD. I really loved your Casey in this. It reminded me of pre-Casey, where she hadn't changed herself for Max and dated a sleazebag like Truman and still had feministic ideas and actually STOOD up to those ideas, Casey lol. Which is the Casey we all know and love! And of course Derek was perfect. Although I don't think you've ever had a problem with keeping your characters in character? 'Cuz your other LWD stories are awesome! But anyway, this story was wonderful with Derek and his misspelling of philandering and then Casey trying to get with Paul which therefore lead to Derek hitting Jack with his stick (I know it was him!). I also loved the fact that Derek took Casey to his championship dinner! Even though Derek acted like he thought it was so bad, he totally didn't mind. Then with the subtlety you added in with Derek's coach. It's so obvious to everyone! And I think my favorite part of this was the ending where Casey told Derek to wear the red tie Liz got him and Derek said he would wear 'the stupid tie' That was just TOO cute! This story was just amazing. I wish you could add to it further xD but it's also good as it is :).
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