Reviews for Knowledge is Power
renextronex chapter 19 . 7/18
Chapter 20 of the original work is easly one of my least favorites with the whole thing of stealing chocolate from a kid when other people are offering, Harry is supposed to be a general jerk, but that kind of pointless cruelty to someone that hasn't even looked at him? it seems at oods with his previous behavior of "Don't bother me and I won't bother you". Pls do fix that scene in your version
Franta chapter 19 . 6/17
Tear us? HOVNO!
Franta chapter 15 . 6/16
Greetings from Czech Republic!
abhinavvemuri123 chapter 1 . 4/25
Oh seriously? Elder wand? with Ollivanders? Pffffft
Silverwingzz chapter 1 . 4/4
The war only went on for 10 years so i feel like it could only be a person that was about to be born. It says,“born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies”., so i feel like it could only be a baby.
pervysage1 chapter 29 . 2/18
i liked the read who exactly tried to pick it up ?
Guest chapter 8 . 11/25/2019
How can a character be so annoying! Your 'oc' Archie or whatever is probably the worst
Guest chapter 28 . 10/31/2019
I dont like both of your oc's and you made Harry a bit too crude for my taste!
Sonia25 chapter 23 . 9/24/2019
So just because it is fluer delacour harry potter character takes 180 u turn and he doesn't get angry or annoyed like he is with others and he is letting her talk like him after killing the werewolf what about the innocent children who died ? What a pathetic mothwrfucking writter u r , your mothwr must be a really big whore
Sonia25 chapter 22 . 9/24/2019
Ok so according to this mothwrfucking writter fluer can have 3 bta before but harry can't have fun with anu girls before fluer comes to his life wow talk about double standard when the girls were throwing themselves at harry he still has to remain single and wait for fluer but fluer can have bfs , such people exist or when it comes to harry that logic hoes out of the window while other can have fun he can't hmm ? What mothwrfucking writter from the child of a whore u bastard for actually writing this shit unbelievable , your mothwr must be a whore while ur father must be a virgun that's where u got the inspiration to write such stupid ff where the guy can't date but the girls can have fun u fucking bastard
Sonia25 chapter 16 . 9/24/2019
What a mothwrfucking whore and batsrad writter u r, u say harry is elfish and samrt yet he was arrested by such stupid reason, his wand was snapped in two pice and he didn't do anything even after proving his innocence if he is anything u said in the start of the first chapter he would have declared blood feud with minister and malfoy and kill them for it but no how can he do that perhaps urslelf forgot what u wanted to write in the first place u batsrad for writing this piece of crap and this harry yet again tolerating everyone's shit silently what a mothwrfucking writter u r , said something and writting something pathetic pice of shit
chewbaccaoncrack chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
Guest chapter 29 . 8/30/2019
f chapter 2 . 8/5/2019
Love the book
Deepthoughts42 chapter 1 . 6/27/2019
I know you didn’t write this but it was supposedly updated recently and I’m wondering what was changed/ added
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