Reviews for Don't Leave Me
ygnita99 chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
owwww I almost cry :3 I really enjoyed your story, it even remind me some good experiences, thank you.
Keep it up!
Hysterical Insanity chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
I love this! How could I not? It was great! Jack and Carly is my favorite pairing, and I have to admit I'm a little picky, but this I loved! Glad I read it!

Jaehai chapter 1 . 12/17/2010
A happy ending! I love the story but i probably sounded like an idiot saying awwwww out loud...
Turbo K1000 chapter 1 . 10/12/2010
i really liked it, i read it 3 TIMES! your really good.

you should make another chapter, y'know what happened the next day!

your great, and please please please give my idea some thought!
beautiful-surreal chapter 1 . 7/20/2010
Oshu chapter 1 . 1/21/2010
Sometimes I wonder why I read this stuff...

It just gets too mushy and I want to keep saying "aw...", "sweet", "cute" while partically hurling at the mushiness of all...

Weird I know...

I can say with all my heart that although I am sorta weird about reading something like this- I tend to really enjoy them deispite the weird things I do like go to something else in the middle for some time and I know I enjoyed yours deeply!.

Your story is one of the cutest, but you manged to keep them in focus and made it really good.

The problem that I have with some fulffs is they don't really go deep, but this one went deep and was as fulffy as a poddle, sheep, and rabbit mix!

Your awesome, awesome story!
ringo-chiii chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
That...that...that was so awesome TT!

Really romantic fic, and I love JackxCarly pairing (who wouldn't D?) !

Sorry, I'm French, I don't know a lot of words to express my mind after reading that marvelous fic 3

Favorite ] !
Spunky.Spudstah chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
That is freakin' sweet! Oh that was cute. Damn. Very cool, I liked the bit at the end when Jacks on the phone to Yusei. It took me awhile to figer out what it ment, but I did eventualy. Very, very cool. KEEP IY COMING, YOUR BEAUTIFUL!

Cap'n Sanji chapter 1 . 9/11/2009
Bravo! While the card-playing part of the series is cool in its own right, I confess to watching the series mainly to see these two interact. As a fan of all things romantic and a fellow creator thereof, I give this one-shot my official seal of approval! Maybe try for a multi-chapter romance. You've got the talent to pull it off. Happy sailing, shipmate!

-The Cap'n
OffsetEvergreen chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
OMG! this is such a tear jerger... oh jeez this reminds me so much of something... this was a really good story oh and this is just a suggestion but i think u should and an epiloge
Xinyii xo chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
i loved it~~ :DD

lol, i kinda cried when Carly started to cry... XD;;

~ ~
FallenAngelItachi chapter 1 . 7/19/2009
I must say I really enjoyed reading this. They were in character, all of the characters, and the story seemed to flow, literally.

I'm for scoopshipping -or whatever it's called- and I thought this was sweet and tender. Maybe you could've used a little less descriptions but it didn't matter all that much.

Btw, "Aki and I were just getting ready for bed anyways..." Oh they're together ha? Hihi, i love that pairing, too!
Codry chapter 1 . 6/30/2009

I'm lovin' it ))

you got the idea
Dark Onyx chapter 1 . 6/19/2009

This was a really good fic. I feel that you kept each of the characters in-character, including Yusei, something a lot of authors have failed to do. There were a few errors in this chapter (like "cheep" instead of "cheap"), but they did not at all subtract from how good this fic was. The only other error here was one that is easily overlooked...well, Carly's now dead. But I really Scoopshipping, so (shrug). I hope you write more stories like these; you have a real talent for them. Later!

Dark Onyx
raiu9 chapter 1 . 6/17/2009
A nice conclusion to the previous story. I loved it. Nice and sweet, and you were able to keep Jack nicely in character.

A word of advice: be careful when you use nouns to replace the character's names. I know you're trying to avoid the use of "Jack" and "Carly" every few lines but I think you can modify your sentences so you don't have to use words like "the boy" or "the duelist." To me it felt a little awkward while reading, and at certain points in the story redundant.

Just my point of view. Other than that, great job on this!
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