Reviews for Crumble
Danterevan chapter 1 . 2/11/2013
ooooooh that has some interesting prospects

GottaLoveMEgan chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
I can't believe I havn't reviewed for this yet. It's been on my favs list for a while, which I guess isnt a gold medal because I've got a lot on it, but this is really one of my all time favorite fanfictions. It's just amazing, I love it everytime I read it. -Megs
FireyIce107 chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
Love it love it love it! Read this three times! Do u mind telling me if there's a vid for the expo u were talking about
Lover and Protecter chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
Arhh now that's why i love Merlin and Morgana they make such a good couple, i mean he's the one who protects and she's the one he needs for him to keep going. So your story is really, really good and think i'll be reading more of them soon

Keep writing

Rosawyn chapter 1 . 11/6/2011
I am a firm believer that if Merlin and done something like this, something to let Morgana know she wasn't alone, that someone was on her side, well, we wouldn't have evil Morgana. but then again, I guess the writers needed her to go evil; it's not like they really ever gave her any motivation anyway. But imo, the story of the show would be better if she hadn't.
SkyClimber chapter 1 . 3/20/2011
Oh my word... this was absolutely beautiful. I actually feel tears coming to my eyes...

I think you captured a relationship between Merlin and Morgana that is very dark and romantic, but soft and caring as well. This is the kind of relationship that I wished could have sprouted up between them in the show.

Very, very well written. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this - it was very well done. Fantastic job, and keep up the great work! :)

(( Claire ))
Clevermind-Rewind chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
Awwww that was so adorable. i wish that would really happen.

beautifully written :)
Terapsina chapter 1 . 12/19/2009
I think you should write about how he finds some way to help her, but that way is magical and for him to fulfill his promise he has to tell her about his own magic. So the question will be if he keeps his promise to the Great Dragon and stays silent or to Morgana and admits that they are the same.

I hope she doesn't feel too betrayed, because lets face it if he does tell her it puts her in much bigger danger. But by the look of the broken person she is now there isn't really anything that much more dangerous.

Anyway LOVED how this looks so I hope to see you update soon.
writeitloud chapter 1 . 9/13/2009
While I will forever be an Arthur/Merlin fan. This was amazing, completely and utterly. I'm officially rooting for this couple too. 3
Cresenta's Lark chapter 1 . 8/20/2009
This was so beautiful.

Great job.

Love Merlin/Morgana

- Cresenta's Lark
shootingstarsonmars chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
great story:)
alleywayqueen chapter 1 . 6/26/2009
Aw, you should continue this!

AlLeYwAyQuEeN :)
AsianAngel121 chapter 1 . 6/25/2009
Aw... That was very sweet and cute!:)
me-ran-duh-writes chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
Wonderful job ! I really enjoyed this ! :)
ectetera chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
I like your writing style. It's what I like to read. Anyway, that was a very nice story! (emphasis on very)