Reviews for Sword Dancer
carronpatrick chapter 53 . 4/15/2017
I read this in 24 hours... Simply because I loved it so much. This was so perfect. I laughed, I cried like a baby, I wished for the brutal torture and death of Aine... (I still do. Ugh.) This was my first OC Inuyasha fiction and it couldn't have been better. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful author!
NorthernButterfly chapter 53 . 2/1/2017
Damn i thought she died so here i was, sobbing my eyes out at 12 am

But then i found out that she hadnt died and i was happy again
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2016
This is one of my favorite stories on this site. I had read it a while ago and decided to re-read it. However I thought it ended differently last time. Have you changed it?
Any who I hope you know this is an amazing work and I hope you are proud of it. Thank you for such a wonderful story
kakkn chapter 41 . 8/17/2015
This chapter makes me tear up every time! Such good work!
laelruin chapter 53 . 1/3/2015
Dear WolvenTemptress,
This has been a wonderful journey. Simply sucking me into it and not letting me go until the final word.
There are however a few things that could be done to improve the flow and readability. First, the names of the characters who are in the picture get switched in several place and even change in spelling occasionally. EX: King Rio instead of King Riu, and Miro instead of Miorio. Second, the make out sessions throughout the story are a little much personally. (I realize this is probably not a popular opinion. But hope that you will be willing to add your warning marks like you did in this and the past chapter.) Third, there are several grammatical and flow errors throughout the piece which could be easily fixed (its mostly just little things like a misplaced comma.). I do realize that this is fanfiction though and so unless you want to work towards publishing and sell your own personal books it probably isn't worth the time to comb through 500 pages to find them.
Now on to the really good stuff! I loved your character build! They (none of them really) weren't static characters, they seemed to move and breath on their own. Especially as the story progressed at the very end. Where once Kegen would have pounced on the lady Aine she stood calm, collected and unmoved by the twit. True love, family ties, etc. really pulled this story together. There were several times where I was sure what would happen next and then you through me a curve ball. But all of the hurt and pain I went through with your characters was worth it for the end. I sincerely enjoy each of the quotes that you put at the top of the page and the one from Ever After in particular. Delving into the spirit world was a very nice touch and inspired hope. Surabi is officially one of my favorite characters.
Thank you for all of the hard work and many long hours that you have put into this story. It was a joy and a pleasure to read.
kakkn chapter 53 . 8/29/2014
I loved this story! Awesome job! A few chapters in there were tear jerkers but I still loved it!
me chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
you changed her race, her name, her entire body and looks... and you even messed with her abilitys and personality. this is not a kagome x sesshomaru fic, its an OC x sesshomaru fic, you need to relable your fic properly.
RainbowNinjaFox chapter 4 . 7/7/2014
Weren't Kegan's eyes green in the privious chapters?
yashatsuki chapter 53 . 6/6/2014
This was an amazing literary work! it was extremely compelling. absolutely loved. Great job! !
Guest chapter 53 . 5/6/2014
This was THE BEST write EVER! You should seriously make this into a book and sell it!
SayonaraKuroi chapter 6 . 4/5/2014
I have Moop chapter 53 . 1/18/2014
When I searched for Kagome/Sesshomaru this is not what I expected. I could not unlike most of your reviewers make it past the 8th chapter. I kept skipping and skimming waiting to see where Kagome comes in at, thinking maybe the story would start off with a OC and then have Sesshomaru or Kagome as the main character but once again I was wrong. Though I agree your story is written well, I could not make it very far and get "caught up" in the story due to your Mary sue. Don't take this the wrong way, but Kegan is not very original. She's strange and unique, beautiful, everyone loves her but of course she has her haters, over powered in strength...she's unoriginal and that's very boring. I find it very frustrating when I read stories like this and the OC is a main and is soo amazing and wonderful and doesn't have many if not any faults. I feel this story or character Kegan would do better as and in AU. Or if Kegan was human. Maybe I should attempt at reading more but I feel I would just get more frustrated at the structure and utter "perfection" of Kegan.
Fan Of Your Work chapter 53 . 12/19/2013
This wasn't what I was looking for while a searched for a story to read, but for some reason I clicked on it. I definitely do not regret it! I love your story. It is beautifully done, and I love every minute of it! Kegan is an amazing character! I fell in love with her and had to know how her story would play out! You have wrote an amazing story. It was very well done.
:) I literally had to make myself go to sleep while I read your story. I just couldn't stop reading!
I hope you continue writing. You have a amazing talent.
BabyBearOnline chapter 53 . 12/6/2013
Thank you for sharing your story. It was a pleasure to read. It was not what I expected at all when I went searching for a Kagome/Sesshomaru fanfic, but your Kegan has managed to find a small niche in my heart. She will forever remain alongside the various other inspiring leading ladies of fiction I hold dear.

Yours Sincerely,
cent chapter 53 . 11/22/2013
Love the whole story! I have been reading it for a week You kept me on the edge! Love it!
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