Reviews for A Slow Descent
Lich Irelia chapter 1 . 4/23/2018
A very good fic
Ondjage chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
perfect. i can feel the emotion. utterly divine.
Passionworks chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
This was simply unbelieveable. Truly, it was. You take a twist on the commonly documented fall of Azula in an unseen, clearly unique way. I have never seen her downfall portrayed this way, one would almost want to describe it as her thoughts herself. I really could connect the anchor reference at the end of the oneshot. It gives a sort of finality to her life, makes it seem like there is an improper end in her wake. Your words have no definable way to be described beyond what has already been said, I am speechless myself, really. Excellent oneshot that deserves a favorite.
vis-et-decus chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
Wow. That was incredible - I like how you went beyond her surface, past the "stark raving mad" girl and gave us a look at what was beneath all that... and how quiet it all was, too. The descriptions were beautiful: "painful only until the moment of unearthing" ... and then the final horror, not that she's insane or even what will become of her afterward, but the simple fact that she doesn't give a damn.

Wonderfully done.
It'salreadycreeping chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
Wow! This was really good. I liked the way you gave another version of the Agni Kai from Azula's perspective, especially when you mentioned that Zuko looked "cold and indifferent" - he must have done to her, I suppose.

One word of advice... You should vary your sentence structure more; try interspersing the long, comma'd sentences with shorter ones. (Feel free to ignore.)

But yeah, this was really good and I definitely hope to see you writing more! ]

P.S: I just read your profile, and English isn't even your first language! Whoa. Respect.
Tim chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
I thought this was just powerful imagery, lovely use of adjectives,and oh boy, it was /creepy/. Well done, hope to see more from you in the fandom!