Reviews for No Place like Home
Miss Columbo chapter 12 . 6/19
Awwww such a lovely well constructed story. You’re such a natural and creative writer. I love the ending, as I can imagine them with a large brood of kids

Thanks again lovely ️
vintage1983 chapter 3 . 11/6/2009
Meant to say, 'shaking like a shitting dog' awesome, I'm gonna adopt that as phrase of the week, it's a corker.
vintage1983 chapter 12 . 11/6/2009
That was fab! Well written and thought out, with some lovely lines. I don't think we'll get that ending, but it would be nice!
Pookyilicous chapter 12 . 8/27/2009
HHAAHAHAHA that made me laugh so much... i LOVED EVERY letter of EVERY word

theHuntgoeson chapter 12 . 8/9/2009
Ah, what a perfectly lovely final chapter! Gene shedding tears of paternal emotion, aah! But I like the way you include a subtle minor note with the knowledge that Evan has lost out all the way – first, by losing Alex to Gene in 1983, then, by losing her and Molly to Layton’s bomb in 2008. I love the idea of Gene Junior having a cuddly toy lion, and that he’s going to be his dad all over again, pout and all (but he’s got his mother’s hair…) And what a beautiful description of Gene and Alex settling down to a happy, contented family life, still bickering for England. A clever idea, having Layton due for release in 2008. But the last word is for Gene – “Another one in the back of the net for the Gene Genie!”

Please do another story when you can, I’ve loved this one!
The Kettle Witch chapter 12 . 8/4/2009
Thank you so much everyone for the lovely comments x

The next fic I have planned will be a new story and not a sequel to this...Don't know when I'll have time to write it yet though!

Many thanks again for reading and taking the time to review *Hugs*

I'd like to just add a special thanks to TheHuntGoesOn I have found your comments very helpful and encouraging so thank you for that xx
ashesfan0810 chapter 12 . 8/3/2009
that was a good chapter and a very good story i love that gene adopted molly as his own i look forword to your next fic. will it be a sequel to this one
Golden Suze chapter 12 . 8/3/2009
Fab chapter really enjoyed reading it
theHuntgoeson chapter 11 . 8/2/2009
I like the idea of the parallel between the fate of Alex's parents and Layton blowing her and Molly back to 1983. So was Layton only in 2008 because Gene had put him in a coma in 1983? Fascinating thought. Gene, Alex and Molly all together in 1983, I love it - and I love Gene's response to imminent fatherhood - “Sod that for a game of soldiers! When I’m married to you I’ll need all the bloody help I can get! We’ll have to get a move on an all or else you’ll never find a frock to fit you and I’ll look like I’m taking Demis bloody Rousoss down the aisle!” And the description of the wedding and reception is so touching.

So, the happiest of endings - will Junior arrive in the epilogue?
theHuntgoeson chapter 10 . 8/2/2009
As soon as you said that Alex felt nauseous, I thought she must be pregnant. That dream sequence, crashing waves, Gene on horseback in open-necked shirt and jodphurs - wow, there was steam coming out of my ears! Alex's confession to Evan that she knows the truth, and his reaction, is very moving. So now Molly knows all about Alex's other life. But how will Alex get Molly and herself back to 1982? Please let us know soon!
theHuntgoeson chapter 9 . 8/2/2009
The account of Alex's kidnap and the arrival of the rescue party is excitingly written (and I noticed the tramp saying "Pretty lady", as in episode 1). The idea of Layton having a heart after all, mercy-killing his mother, is a big shock - if it's true. But has Alex really woken up in 2008, as she's found it so cold and impersonal, or is this another coma? And what will Gene do?
theHuntgoeson chapter 8 . 8/2/2009
Poor Gene! He's set it all up so beautifully and his explanations of his past are so moving, how could Alex turn him down? Her explanation about Layton has come too late - but the Genie will come to the rescue, won't he? Won't he?
theHuntgoeson chapter 7 . 8/2/2009
The murder of Alma Layton opens all sorts of interesting possibilities, but am I alone in thinking a) that Alex is being terminally stupid in not telling Gene about Layton's phone calls, and b) that DCI Gerrard should have a sign with SINISTER on it over his head? And the doodle comes true at last!
Smurf12345 chapter 11 . 7/30/2009
Sweet chapter, can't wait for the epilogue :D x
theHuntgoeson chapter 6 . 7/13/2009
I thought I recognised the name Gerrard too - what a clever idea for him to turn up as the new DCI at Fenchurch West, just like Sam's Frank Morgan. You write Gene's passionate love for Alex, his fear of losing her, and her sense of being overwhelmed by his emotions, so well - and I love "Give me a kiss to dream on" as the sign-off. But what dark game is Layton playing? Let us know.
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