Reviews for Questions
deactivated2107997 chapter 1 . 2/10/2012
LOL, the end had me screaming, "OMGGG!" Hahahaha!

About Arcee... she was abducted and used as part of an experiment to create a new breed of tripartate soldiers by using her spark to reignite those of her deceased sisters. The experiment worked: the three of them had similar bodies, were a singular entity at the spark, and shared thoughts and feelings. However, they retained a certain amount of autonomy and memory of their own separate identities. Thus, 'Arcee' is actually 'Arcee, Elita One and Chromia.'

Kind of a hard concept to grasp, but that's the gist of it. Hope I cleared that up. (:
Guest chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
lol. i loved it! make another plz?

i asked pretty much all the same questions after i saw the movie a couple of times. especially what happened to the matrix, i thought that it blew up... but then in the 3rd movie OP brings sentinel prime back with it.
RainbowFang chapter 1 . 1/1/2010

I love it. :)

varsitylove16 chapter 1 . 7/2/2009

That was amusing and interesting:)

"I thought you had it." "..." xD

Nice one, Optimus!

The movie was okay.. A little confusing/disappointing, but the animation made up for it.

Great story! A few grammatical errors, but still great!

flarey phoenix chapter 1 . 7/2/2009
awesome story, luved it! it'd be even better if you continued it *wink-wink*

and i loved that movie so much that i've payed to watch it 6 times already!
hummergrey chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
Loved this fic ! Very accurate on Optimus Prime's character and him trying to find a minute of peace. And the skipping around that humans do in conversations would be confusing to someone off planet. Original plot idea with everyone trying to catch up with each other after such a wild adventure. Good job and keep it up!

The movie had major plot holes, was too much repeat of the first and echoes of others like the femme bot in terminator on the car chase scene.
ice around the moon chapter 1 . 7/1/2009



Just kidding...maybe...please continue, this really..entertained me:)
TheCluelessTurtle chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
Please continue, it such a good story! Maybe like a punch of oneshots or something?
HappyFarmer chapter 1 . 6/27/2009
wow lol my mind is tainted too now! You have to right more like this, you have a great talent here!
Geekgirl chapter 1 . 6/26/2009
Nice work. I would have Optimus or Lennox ask where Simmons has been. I would just love to see theri reactions to the fact he is living with his mother (or rather she with him) and working at her Deli. Just funny idea.

Still a cool story.
Shadir chapter 1 . 6/26/2009
Very funny!
Silveromance chapter 1 . 6/26/2009
nice fic. The only bad thing with the movie was that "the twins" weren't Lamborghini and Barricade apparently fell off the face of the earth. WERE WAS HE!
MikoTenma chapter 1 . 6/25/2009
Atually all three femmes where Arcee. At the beging of the film OP adresses all three as Arcee and all three have the same hologram. It was the productions teams idea that she would have three smaller forms that would combine and make one big femme. The idea ended up not happening in the film, but if you read the book of the movie they have it. The toy line ended up calling the blue bike Chromia so that they could sell the three apart and people would not get confused. I like how you wrote this. It was a good read.
Inspire165 chapter 1 . 6/25/2009
lol I loved this story! It had me laughing yet it seemed to answer all of the questions I have at the time! XD You captured the characters emotions perfectly! :D LOVE THIS!

Oh...and I'll PM you about my views on the movie...I don't want to spoil it for anyone! Actually first...what did YOU think of it? :D XD :D XD
SkyHighFan chapter 1 . 6/25/2009
Nice, but I think the Matrix was destroyed when Optimus blew up the Sun Harvester. In the book Optimus had it as he didn't blow up the Harvester and destroyed it by crashing through the top and then removing the Matrix later after killing The Fallen. Also it was Diego Garcia not Rivera and that's an island somewhere out in the Indian Ocean I think. Lennox and Epps planned that in the book, but there Galloway accidently left his phone behind so he had no way to call and compain when Lennox did that to him.