Reviews for The Fiance
stevem1 chapter 9 . 6/14
This is the Hermione loves Harry but friend zones him because of her insecurities and Harry doesn’t act on his feelings because he loves Hermione and doesn’t want to risk their friendship stories. Decently well done.
RealSaberwolf chapter 9 . 5/5
Fluffy and cute story. Short but enjoyable read! Absolutely loved it _
Imwaiting4myAliceandEdward chapter 9 . 1/29
Very fluffy, adorable hg/hp story! Loved it!
Marc the Unruly chapter 6 . 1/24
Finally! Stories were they dance around each other for tens of thousands of words irritate the hell out of me!
mysteryheart chapter 1 . 1/18
I love this one. I've reread it several times
Harry Thomas Riddle chapter 1 . 9/3/2019
"When Hermione and Ron had a relationship four years"

This killed it for me. I'll check another story..
MindForgedMan chapter 4 . 3/15/2019
Trash chapter.
Cecily Mitchell chapter 9 . 1/4/2019
Wonderful story. I enjoyed it very much
Cecily Mitchell chapter 1 . 1/4/2019
This is hilarious
Crushcrush12 chapter 5 . 5/27/2018
tyrannicpuppy chapter 9 . 4/20/2018
Absolutely superb. Definitely bookmarking it for when I need a pick me up after a rough angsty number. Really beautiful.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 8 . 4/20/2018
Brilliant. Take that, you witch. Hermione is a million times better than you. :p

When I started this I was a little worried it was going to be rough sailing but it has been so incredibly sweet. Just perfect really.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 7 . 4/20/2018
I was worried a moment there that somehow Sarah had a source, but the only ones in the know were them and the parentals. Glad they could both shut the evil hag down firmly and truthfully this time. I love how easily her parents are taking it all too. I know they've seen the truth for years but its great not to see her Dad chasing him all over the hotel with a tire iron.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 6 . 4/20/2018
YES! Thank you! Those two... so stubborn, and so perfect for each other. I am so glad he asked her before any other misunderstanding could mess things up. Now to see her take righteous vengeance on the Bitches.
tyrannicpuppy chapter 5 . 4/20/2018
Damn. Is everyone in her family not her parents a total bitch. I hope that Henry keeps being nice. He so far hasn't been a twat. Please let Hermione take them down a few dozen pegs soon.
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