Reviews for Tears of the Soul
Sammy4evacausehesawesome chapter 10 . 9/9/2011
please upsate quickly. love this fic!
Fuzzball457 chapter 10 . 12/8/2010
Are you going to continue? You should, it's really, really good. Hope to read more!
CeCe Away chapter 10 . 8/8/2010
I am so impressed that you write so well at age 14. You're as good as anyone on here. Great plot, very creative.
You'reWrongI'mRIght chapter 10 . 1/2/2010
can i just say that i utterly enjoyed the angst fest ur story had provided! but can we make sammy awake and coherent enough so thats dean gets an explanation?
ArmagonAuthor chapter 9 . 1/1/2010
Looking good so far!
MRitz chapter 10 . 1/1/2010
No, this chapter is fine, honestly. I like it very much and who wouldn't love a beautiful limp Sam like you created. Thank goodness they are at least some place safe. But now what's Sam doing? I think he is once again trying to kill himself. Hope Dean and Bobby will able to help him. Want the next chapter soon.

Happy New Year to you.

samgirl19 chapter 10 . 1/1/2010
no we need to find out what happened to sam please why did u put this into a cliffhanger please put the next chp i want to know what happened when dean entered the room

p.s. welcome back my friend
cindy123 chapter 9 . 11/21/2009
Oh hon, any of us who are writers know what its like to lose the feel for your story. It's hard to get motivated again. Sometimes the best thing to do is back away, do something else for awhile or just take a break. I have the same problem all of the time, especially when I think my story is really beginning to suck. You take the time you need to get it the way you want it and don't worry so much. We'll be here. Great job on the Sam POV. Poor guy. Loved it.

samgirl19 chapter 9 . 11/19/2009
yes that was a good explanation as to why this was on hiatus but i hope for u to finish it becasue i want to know what dean and bobby do about sam. it also must suck to have writer block and i can't wait to see what u come up with next
sybylla chapter 9 . 11/19/2009
I love the story, the chapter was great. please don't lose interest in the story. Authors sometimes just have to put a little distance between them and their stories to see the whole picture, to get new ideas and eventually to find the motivation and the desire to continue writing. As for me, I can wait, I'm patient and I'm sticking to you.
MRitz chapter 9 . 11/18/2009
Oh god, it's really an intense chapter. I like Sam's pov, how he was feeling...really intense. Poor boy, though that Alasteir is smoked now, he trapped Sam in his head and now Sammy is seeing those horrible deaths again? Don't know how much he could suffer. Thankfully Dean's there to help him. You should update early girl, I really wanna read the next chapter soon.

Love, Ritu.
MRitz chapter 8 . 10/24/2009
Yes, I like it very much. I like Dean's pov and now Alastair is smoked. But what's wrong with Sam? You can't leave us like that. Will you please continue it, ya know, I really wanna read the next part. Can you please. I'm begging.

Putting it on alert.

Love Ritu.
MRitz chapter 6 . 10/24/2009
Aww Sam's just too broken and thinks Dean's dead. Baby's so weak, God, I wanna hug him tight and wipe his tears away. But now Dean's here, everything's gonna be okay now...right!


MRitz chapter 5 . 10/24/2009
You know what, I really hate that swan neck Alastair, he is so lowlife sob. I so hate that monster.

Thank God Sammy's breathing now. Dean's brought him back in rotation. I'm breathing now too. Intense chapter.

MRitz chapter 4 . 10/24/2009
Oh Gosh, Sam's not breathing! What...why...I mean...WTH! Why isn't he breathing? and Sammy's ears are God, he could be brain damaged? By the way...who was that old friend?

Interesting chapter.

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