Reviews for A Dying Geass, A Dying Wish
Dragonheart Of Ireland chapter 3 . 10/9/2016
This is just... wow!
Anime100 chapter 2 . 1/19/2015
This is truly very interesting to read as well as the sequel; you did an amazing job
theJodeMeister chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
You! I love it! hahaha.. :)

I'm on to the next chappie. :)
nequam-tenshi chapter 3 . 3/10/2012
Why didn't you simply continue on with the story under the same name? Was it necessary to create a sequal?

A heartbreaking story!
mypastnobodybussiness chapter 3 . 7/21/2010
Finally :)

i thought you're gonna leave it just like that :)
Haruchai chapter 3 . 2/2/2010
Cool! Finally a sequel. _
anonymous chapter 2 . 1/26/2010
you can not end it there you cruel bitch.
hylian-dragoness chapter 2 . 12/10/2009
Very sad story ;_; I do hope there's a sequel~
oO0 neko518 0Oo chapter 2 . 10/22/2009

this is so amazing! I'm really into it! Please give us (fans) another sequel o please! I beg of you! :) I'[m really as in really desperate in knowing more! :) I love the story, really, and good to know that you're from the philippines too. Well, I am a Chinese-Filipino student and to mind you, I love Code Geass! Good writing format and words, I mean, the way you write is so colorful, and it's easy to understand. You really have the capability to be a writer, and you have a future in Literature! And Nice work. :]

Thanks for the wonderful story, It made my day. :]

Spottedstar106 chapter 2 . 10/16/2009
*sniffles* Poor Lulu-chan! TT_TT

PaddysGal chapter 2 . 8/17/2009
NO! Lulu! Don't die! T.T

I need a sequel please...
Bankotsu's Sexy Bunny Girl chapter 2 . 8/17/2009
this is a really good story! i really hope you do a sequel!
DuziInuChick chapter 2 . 8/10/2009
I really like your story and I would like it to continue, so please write a sequel.
dhyetaX1999 chapter 2 . 8/10/2009
I must admit it is a great piece of story!

but... when I read the second chapter, I felt it rather... odd.

'Cause, well... it just so hard to picture the royal family to be...friendly? *Oh just ignore me, I just feel it rather difficult to place it in my canon-induced-mind* but i do find the first chapter to be more believable than the second...

anyway, I do hope that you'll write a sequel to this chapter, I really like it! and I do agree with Grey that I would love to read more SchneizelLulu moments *maybe you could insert a scene where Schneizel visits comatose!Lulu *SQUEAL!**

but, please, don't make him die ?... Pwease?

It's enough for me to watch him die in canon two times *yes, I watch the final episode twice... cause I can't believe the first time, and now, I can't find the courage to go through that horrible experience again! *BBAW!**

Sorry, I'm rambling... please continue...
Grey chapter 2 . 8/7/2009
My my. This is a gem! AWESOME! LOVE IT! Being AU but following canon plot line and fanon being incorporated here and there. I can actually visualise scenes from the anime in the 1st chap. *hats off*

I must say, this is a fairly good piece of work. I like how ppl found out bout Lelouch's suffering unlike canon. :( Oh i do like how you try to keep into the CGeass's OC's mindset. Especially on Nunually and Suzaku bit. :P I had hope for more tibits on angsty parts of suzalulu.. but its all good.

Tho the part where Lulu invited all of them to the palace..and err the thing bout Aeries villa feels bit odd to me. Haha. No offence. But needs must to move the storyline..

I hope you'll do a sequel. This is just my humble suggestion. lol. Please take no offence. Explore bit of Scheinzel and lulu? I squed at d line where schneizel was thinking bout his love for lelouch. I wouldn't mind if you kill off lelouch here as well.. seeing him forgiven and accepted by his love ones.. i suppose it's ok right? I love angst afterall.
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