Reviews for Bitter, Like Regret
Vanessa Masters chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
"Hello, Ken-kun." Yuuko smiles languidly, taking a slow drag of her pipe. Once she's exhaled, she asks, "What is your wish?"

"To forget," he says. The words comes easily, even though he doesn't recall ever thinking them. "If I continue to remember everything I've done...I don't think that I'll be able to live with myself."

"You desire to live on?"

I shouldn't, he thinks. In truth, the world would be better off without him. He's known it for a while, ever since he decided to leave the Real World behind forever. Even as he had lied to himself about the nature of those around him, he'd never really forgotten the one who was truly worthless. But, now as then, he is too much of a coward to do everyone a favor and end his own life. Although, unlike then, there is no place left for him to run, no place left to isolate himself from the world that he does not deserve to live in. With a jolt of shame, he finds himself longing after the ignorance of just a few days prior - his sanctuary. Although he had never quite been happy there, he had been able to distract himself from the truth, and that had been good enough.

"Yes," he finally says. Even though I should have died in Osamu-chan's place. "But first I need to forget."

Yuuko looks into his eyes. "I am afraid that I cannot grant the entirety of that wish," she says. "However..."


"I can dull the memories - make them seem distant, like a nightmare. You will not forget, but you will not quite remember." She tilts her head, eyes narrowing slightly. "And there will still be a heavy price."

"Price?" he asks, already knowing that he will very likely pay it.

"You gained knowledge that aided you in your conquest. To grant your wish, I will take it all."

"...I agree to your terms," he says.

At that, Yuuko smiles once more. "Very well. I shall grant your wish."

Ken awakens to find his parents looking at him as if he's died and come back to life, and, for a moment, he doesn't remember his own name.

He tastes salt.

"That's the youngest client you've ever had, Yuuko-san. He couldn't have been older than twelve."

"Does it disturb you?"

"...Ah. He was just a child."

"He is a very special child. You visited him, didn't you?"

"Yes. In that dream - it was almost like he was a different person. Even without the mask..."

"Within every human heart, there exists both cruelty and kindness, and those who are kindest are also the most aware of their capacity for cruelty. Ken-kun sought a refuge where he could express his cruel heart without guilt. It was how he dealt with his pain."


Amazing work.
nequam-tenshi chapter 1 . 8/14/2011
This is not a completely crazy idea for Ken's anmesia, because most things in xxxHolic is abnormal.

Good one-shot.
Musical Darkness chapter 1 . 7/20/2010
...Wow. Yet another possibility of how Ken forgot everything that happened, but I sort of didn't get the price Ken had to pay. I'll see if I can figure it out by reading it again. But, that aside, great job!
50-States chapter 1 . 6/8/2010
Nicely done. It's been awhile since I've read a crossover story that was able to mesh the characters together and keep them believable! I enjoyed reading this one!
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
Very lovely
UruExplorer DTC chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
I've read Tsubasa, RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, and since that crosses over with xHolic, I enjoyed this verry much! :)
LoveSovereign chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
Yo - this fic is pretty awesome. Please tell me you're gonna continue.

Also, I'm pretty familiar with Digimon, but the whole xholic thing is completely foreign .. do you think maybe you can throw in the end some explanations of things from the cross over? That would be great.

I can't wait for the next chap.. if there is one .. but there should be one .. )

btw - this is going in my Ken C2