Reviews for The Interns in Limbo
KleopatraSelene chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
Such a fun and lighthearted story! The show lacks interaction between the interns which greatly bothers me. I have always wondered how they felt about each other and being an optimistic person I like to believe that some of them are friends if not all of them. Your story was absolutely adorable, I love the fact that they are gossiping about their boss and just like in the movies she comes up behind them at the wrong time. Even though people say that it is not realistic, it actually is, trust me, I have learned from experience. Also, I'm really wondering why Vincent was constantly checking his phone. Who is this mysterious girl? Possibly a girlfriend...hmm...
SweetVincent95 chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
I loved the story it was so of my favorite parts was when you described Fischer as being Eeyor-like,since Eeyor is my favorite Winnie the Pooh character and Fischer is one of my favoeite Bones other then Hodgins,Sweets, and Vincent Nigel-Murray.
Animus et Anima chapter 1 . 1/31/2011
Hahahahahahahahahahaha, I love it. And it's even better that Clark DID have a similar slip up
froyozensight chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
LOL I can see this happening~ Poor Clark...XD
xBonesnCsiMiamifan419x chapter 1 . 1/27/2010
So cute! Loved the ending! :D
ferryboat George chapter 1 . 11/13/2009
Interesting idea
birdofshade chapter 1 . 11/5/2009
Awesome job keeping everybody in character! I hope you write a few more fics with them in it! Or at least one for Fisher. I love Fisher. And Vincent. Could care less about Wendell, but Daisy's adorkable! Great Fic!

And Clark was totally right! They should always listen to Clark!
anonymous.individual chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
ahahaha.. brilliant ending. :D
FinnFiona chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
Fun idea! And I like that Clark is the one to set them straight :)
JustASmallTownGirl5 chapter 1 . 7/19/2009
Lol this was really funny!

You're not thinking about continuing this are you? hint hint lol
CorgiFromSpace chapter 1 . 7/11/2009
Oh that is just... I can't even describe it through my peals of laughter!

Brilliant work, once again, my dear. Thank you for sharing, as always, I hope there's more of your work in the future...

Clark is obviously the one who sees it. Of course. And typically, Bren and Booth are clearly unhappy.

Absolutely loved it.


CharmedGurlie chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
Oh my goodness, this was hysterical. You captured each one of them really, really well. Especially Clark. I pretty much literally laughed out loud whenever he spoke. My personal favorite was "Oh dear God, here we go again." Anyway, amazing job! The end was priceless.
twinkle in my eye chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
Ok this was brilliant!

I LOVED LOVED LOVED Clark in this, especially since he's my favorite intern.

and the end?


It was wonderful.

I would so be happy if you wrote more, but if you dont continue it, it's totally great as is.

dawnsfire chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
Hah! It would be Clark, the one who doesn't want to be involved with their personal lives, who gets busted! And by both of them, no less!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
I want more.
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