Reviews for The Experiment
Relevantxxx chapter 1 . 9/6/2015
oh my god...your stories though as they maybe oneshots...I LOVE EM TO DEATH 333 Make MOAR plz~
Thecrazyrabidfangirl chapter 1 . 7/16/2010
Well I found Mugi-chan to be unusually straight forward, she wouldn't be that blunt about something like that, but still it wasn't too odd.

I also didn't really like how you turned it into a Mio/Ritsu story at the end, the whole story was setting up Mio/Mugi and the Mio/Ritsu aspect seemed haphazardly thrown in.

But otherwise I enjoyed the Mio/Mugi portions, nice job.

djyxa chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
Mio rocks! Mitsu fluff! XD

i like the last thing Mio said here. :3 tee hee! XD
DynamiteiSei chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
The last line that Mio said really caught me there! Nice fanfic, I like it a lot!
Vld chapter 1 . 7/23/2009
Cunning bitch Mugi is. She KNEW how Ritsu would react! I just know it! Which is why she sent Azusa in her place! Don't deny it, i KNOW it!

That was excellent!
SplinterWingz5x5 chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
XD i loved the whole fic it was so funny having mio practicing on ritsu XD

i'm gunna ask the next person i like if we could pratice and see what happens
Aikuchi Shikaku chapter 1 . 7/15/2009
I think you're right about your statement. You like RitsuxMio, but can't write about it.

You do make a very good implied version, though. Kudos to that :D

Manipulative!Mugi was a surprise, but thinking about it, I guess she's good at this because sadly, sometimes, Mugi is always overlooked.

Oh yeah, is Mugi into Azusa? or did she manipulate her like she did with Mio?

Oh yeah, you writing this has convinced me to try to write a hetero-femmeslash Naruto x K-On! Harem fic with Naruto as the center character. what do you think? :D
Little Donkey chapter 1 . 7/15/2009
Oh yes! Dominative Mio FTW! I'm so happy someone wrote her like that-'cause I strongly believe Ritsu would be mostly submissive. :3

There were a few slight OOC-ness in the scenes near the end and how you seemed to rush them, but it was hilarious. Mugi being a sly manipulator is fitting. :3

"But I did discover something about myself: I like the idea of Mio and Ritsu having feelings for each other, I just don't like writing about it. Odd."

Oh noes! D: N-no more Mio/Ritsu fics from you? D:
SouthpawSwordfighter chapter 1 . 7/15/2009
This was a really fun read.

I really like Yui's portrayal. It's hilarious and wonderful. Azusa kissing Ritsu is unexpected-I'd expect Yui to be more easily swayed into going along with Mugi's plan, though she'd probably be less dependable in the end.

Typo: "Mugi discretely passed her a warm, mo[i]st towellette."

And to be really picky, Mugi uses "Ricchan" and not "Ritsu." But it doesn't matter.

Your summary is excellent, by the way.

"But I did discover something about myself: I like the idea of Mio and Ritsu having feelings for each other, I just don't like writing about it. Odd."

That is odd. And somewhat disappointing to me.

But anyway, keep at it.

Midori With Envy chapter 1 . 7/15/2009

Mugi's evil plan was fantastic :D

And I also like the idea of seme Mio... Maybe it's just because she's taller.

Ah Yui, such an innocent girl.
geegeevee chapter 1 . 7/15/2009
I was lead on. XD I really thought this was the beginning of a new ship AKA MioMugi...But YES (and no...kinda) for it ending up as Mio and Ritsu (I'm such a fangirl, LOL)! XD 'No' because the way you wrote Mugi and Mio clicked. OwO Then there's Azusa kissing Ritsu...well, what do you know...XD XD XD It could work too if you switch their roles...:3 MioAzusa is pretty popular...XD While Mugi goes well with anyone, honestly. )) Anyways, good job! _
Mankiis chapter 1 . 7/14/2009
So...gewd...Mugi-chan and Mio-chuan is delish.

I would think that Ritsu would be seme, though, seeing that one episode where she got sick. Ritsu got pretty jealous.

But Mio-seme is good too. Ritsu would make a nice uke.

I'm disappointed in the ending, though - if you had ended it after Mugi's kiss with Mio and then posted the parts after it as a sequel (with a little more added to make up for it being separated from the first part), it would've had a bigger impact.

Bleh, you're the author anyways. Great job, make some more of this stuff, please.
Roxius chapter 1 . 7/14/2009
Is it difficult writing something long like this?

It's very good, though.