Reviews for Moon Drop
Seirenn chapter 1 . 4/29

C’est la 2ème fois que je lis cette histoire et j’ai été agréablement surprise de voir le chapitre 15.

J’ai encore une fois adoré la lire. Je redécouvrait l’histoire avec un grand plaisir !

C’est l’une des meilleurs que j’ai lu jusqu’à présent, merci.

J’espère que tu liras un jour mon commentaire. Sache que j’attendrais toujours une suite.

Merci encore de nous partagez cette perle,
prenez soin de vous.

reader chapter 15 . 4/11
Hey, it's been years and I just wanted to say that I'm still really holding out on the continuation of this story haha. I've been hooked all these years but I understand if you are never going to finish it... Just wanted to give you a heads up about how great your writing was that it kept me coming back over the years. Hope life's been good!
Setsu82 chapter 15 . 12/16/2019
I don't usually like kaname/zero AU fanfics where the characters are not vampires, but I have to say that this one I really like and it gets to me. I find it really sad that it seems to be disscontinued and more so when it seems that everything is abaut to unrabel. But thanks for sharing this piece anyway!. I hope everything is going well for the autor. Best wishes!
Alexan27 chapter 11 . 8/4/2019
No sabes la maravilla que es terminar de leer los 10 capítulos en AO3, dar mis felicitaciones y venir a aquí también para hacerlo mi favorito, y encontrar otros 5 más. ¡Estoy eufórica!
LuciusDreaming chapter 15 . 8/3/2019
I need more...
fahaar chapter 15 . 5/17/2019
Wow.. please continue pleaseee...!
BlackCrystal06 chapter 8 . 2/5/2019
AHHH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! THAT WAS SOOOO CUTEE! Kaname and Zero cooking together.. Kaname childishly making a batter ugh so damn adorable! now now Kaname, you would surely be surprised if you guys do it. I cant waitttttt!
BlackCrystal06 chapter 7 . 2/5/2019
*looks at Kaname suspiciously* What are you planning... hmmm
BlackCrystal06 chapter 6 . 2/5/2019
HEHEHEHE *grins stupidly* Kaname~

Anyways, I wonder how Kaname would react when he finds out that Zero isnt a girl? hmmm... should I spare myself the curiousity and travel through lots of chapters?

BlackCrystal06 chapter 5 . 2/5/2019
Hate can be turned to Loooovvveeee~
BlackCrystal06 chapter 4 . 2/5/2019
I hate Ruka HERE. Seriously
BlackCrystal06 chapter 3 . 2/5/2019
Oh yeah, here's the part where Kaname is being such a bastard for a reason. dont hurt my little Zerooooorinnn
BlackCrystal06 chapter 2 . 2/5/2019
Aw~ You know, I really wanted to see them in such get ups! I cant seem to imagine it *pouts*
but on later chapters, I vividly get how they might look like. Especially Zero, but I cant imagine Aido and Shiki that much yet lol
BlackCrystal06 chapter 1 . 2/5/2019
I'm going to say this right here because I havent reviewed on Ao3, where I first read it, and say what I was going to say

I really teared up at that scene where Zero cried while he was working.. I felt the emotions there! But the scenes after that lightened the mood.
I really really love this story so far! I'm currently at chapter 7 in Ao3 but since it was posted here too, I'll just continue here. but not without reviewing first! I mean, I wanted to review in Ao3 but cant since I'm too lazy to log in (lol) and I cant really save and see if a fanfic was updated cause I'm not used to Ao3 yet.

Forgive my babbling, Author-san.
MyAnimeObsession chapter 15 . 10/24/2018
AHHHHHHHHHHH That cliffhanger!
This story is so good! I love it! You're a really good writer
My favourite scene so far is Kain and Kaname meeting Zero, and Kaname dreading that he met the 'brother' hahahahaha
But omg please no :( the story stopped halfway and at that cliffhanger too.
Are you still going to update? Please do! Though I understand if you're busy ...
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