Reviews for The Real Hero
michaelfmx chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
Interesting take on that scene. Bryce does often get the short end of the stick, although it is sometimes deserved. Ultimately, he was a good guy.
IHeartSherlock89 chapter 1 . 6/4/2013
OMG! That was really beautiful. I got teary and that rarely happens. I adore Bryce.
And that is all that I can think about saying.
Have a nice day :)
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 11/23/2012
great story! and yes, i do see bryce as a hero here, too...
Nephite chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
You know, I can't quite decide how much I like Bryce. I mean, all the evidence for me to like/love him is there and yet my brain still says yuck when I hear his name.

I really loved this fic though. I like getting a little insight as to what Bryce was thinking in the moments before his death. Great work!
R. Paper chapter 1 . 1/27/2012
Excellent job! I actually loved Bryce, cried when he died and keep hoping that maybe he'll return from the dead yet again. (I'm a huge White Collar fan too and had to keep reminding myself that it was Bryce not Neal who died)

I wanted to tell you that this was fantastic. I've always been intrigued by his character. He's usually painted as a bad guy but I always believed that there was way more to him than that. I thought his thoughts and reflections in this story are spot on. You made me tear up all over again. Thanks for writing and sharing!
DanaeMariSkywalker chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
This is a great story! Really perfect! Lovely! :)
brittany chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
i loved it, i really liked Bryce when he was on the show, and it helps that he was hot:P anyway, i cried when i read this. Which in my book, makes you a very good writer:)
Tobic chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
I loved it. I really felt that Chuck and Bryce should've had a huge heart-to-heart conversation because despite the fact that they both love Sarah, Bryce loved Chuck as his best friend.

They needed to see them show some great emotion and I think this would've been a good narrative to have written in the show with Bryce voicing it.
My Lady Vader chapter 1 . 2/23/2010
This is awesome. ;) I personally like Bryce, other than the fact that he keeps messing up Sarah and Chuck's relationship, and you did this fic wonderfully.
ChickInStarkTower chapter 1 . 2/21/2010
Very well written! You had me tearing up with this one!
redrose7856 chapter 1 . 1/1/2010
Beautiful. Just beautiful. And, while I didn't *hate* Bryce (how can someone hate a character who is so cool?), it did bug me whenever he'd show up and ruin a potentially cute Chuck/Sarah moment. He was an amazing character. Well done on this fic, you really did (to quote Capt. A.) an *awesome* job!

There need to be more *good* Bryce fics out there!

Well done!

rudepanda chapter 1 . 11/3/2009
Well if you love reviews I shall have to give you one won't I!


Good job, and I really really mean. Well done!

I love it and the reversal at the end with Bryce wanting to be like Chuck was just perfect, this is a perfect fic and has left me speechless, once again... just Well Done!

: D
hajimebassaidai chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
Interesting idea, most people aren't interested in Bryce's motivation, or anything beyond hurting him! Love the examining of him seeing Chuck as the real hero, cause I agree with you that he probably did. Bryce went spy because he wanted to & enjoyed it and ended up sacrificing absolutely everything to protect others. Chuck got no choice but did his best and always managed to get less dirtied by the whole business. Great story!
AQotL chapter 1 . 10/4/2009
Woo hoo, an awesome oneshot!

I discovered this a while ago, when I was new to Fanfiction, and loved it. I just came across it again and thought I'd review and say how much I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. I have recently declared myself a complete Bryce nut (ever since I watched "Chuck vs. the Ring" for the third time and found myself sighing in happiness whenever Bryce was onscreen), so I was glad to find a story that portrays Bryce as the good guy that he is.

I loved that Bryce was thinking about how Chuck is a hero, even though he doesn't know it himself. And I also like that Bryce sort of becomes a Charah shipper in the end. Even though he still loves Sarah, Bryce knows that she loves Chuck and is willing to let them be together.

There are so many wonderful things about this fic that I can't write them all out in this review. Anyways, good job ;-), and thanks for writing this amazing Bryce piece.

Charah forever (but I still love Bryce!)!

fAteD lOvE chapter 1 . 9/4/2009
Exactly what I would imagine Bryce's last thoughts to be :) Poor Bryce, he's so misunderstood haha
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