Reviews for Male Bonding
GaarasGuardian chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
Wow, that was just, idk. Anyways, it's not your fault you can bring humor out of these situations, it's society's fault in a sense, becasue society has taken something MEANINGLESS, and made it perverted.

Anyway, I'll be awaiting the next one.

I'm interested in seeing how Umehito and Kasanoda interact, seeing as they never met in the show. I'm not even sure if they know the other exists.

Ryan-Ookami chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
I particularily love how Ritsu just doesn't seem to understand what might appear to be so inappriopriate about how they were found, while Tetsuya knows exactly what's wrong about the situation (and smartly chooses to say nothing.)

Very cute overall.
Scherherazade chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
I enjoyed this story but mainly because there was an innocent explanation for what they were doing. I'm personally not fond of the male/male romantic or sexual pairings. Just not my thing. Anyways this story was fun to read. I love stories that seem like one thing is happening and it turns out to be something completely different is instead, at least, as long as it makes sense.