Reviews for Overtime
Guest chapter 1 . 11/25/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 1/19/2019
Okay, how the Hell is Malfoy Head of anything in Law Enforcement. He shouldn't even be a normal Auror. He is a Deatheater War Criminal. If he has something to do with the DMLE it should be when he is in Azkaban, as a criminal.
In other words, this is nonsense
But hey, its a classical Leather-pants-Draco and Author-Self-incert, so I guess it was to be expected
Dustyn chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
Hehehe I would love to hear how Monday goes...
RealGinnySue chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
Hhh you bloody Potter, take that.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/20/2015
Oh this fic was simply deliciously evil and I love it. I can see totally Draco doing that especially knowing it was potter asking none the less. Oh yes, this please me!

Princess Phoenix Tears chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
I loved that! Your sense of humor is wonderful. Great job!

mugglehugger chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
Too lazy to log in, but great fic. The dialogue was really well done :)
Stained Glass Rose chapter 1 . 4/27/2012
I felt such sympathy for Ginny when she responded to Harry with a determined smile, perhaps because I've been in the exact same situation with my boss(es). I could almost feel my hand curl in on itself and my back ache when I read that "Ginny spent the vast amount of her 'on the job' time hunched over a desk with a quill and a bad case of writer's cramp," and not simply because I finished my exams yesterday. It's such a spot-on line and it says so much about the stress, frustration, and physical pain associated with the overtime Harry oh-so-casually asked her to put in. "Three cups of coffee, four lines of smudged mascara, and one very tiny drool spot later" made me smile, too, as did her the fact that she signed it "with a flourish and a sigh."

I definitely understood the reasons Ginny bristled when Draco confronted her because I had the same reaction to some of his more authoritative pronouncements, but like her, I could see it came from concern and it always had a touch of tender intimacy that said so much about their relationship. His rather proprietary attitude felt authentic to his character and under the circumstances, I think it made sense. I love his horrified reaction and the increased tension in his voice when he asked if Ginny had a meeting, with full knowledge that she didn't :3. The fact that his protest is based not on principle, but on love is even better and the pleasure he takes in setting Harry down a notch is even better (much as I love Harry otherwise!).

Such a fun, fantastic story and an awesome prompt, too :).
heart.dramione chapter 1 . 12/5/2011
too cute..
AriaTheCraZFerret chapter 1 . 9/2/2011
purple-lightening chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
Did I like this? YES! This was very well written Leigh, I absolutely loved it! I enjoyed reading your Draco in this: annoyed,sneaky, jealous, over-protective, just the way I like our favourite Slytherin. The banter between Draco and Ginny was really good, liked the pace of it and it was quick-witted and fun.

Oh, before I forget, my absolute favourite line:

"I think I’ll just remind our friendly Auror Division Head that he probably shouldn’t have the wife of the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement doing his overtime dirty work,” he said, his eyes glinting at the idea. “Then we’ll see who’s boss.”

It just oozes Draco, with a cherry on top. ;) It was a really fitting ending.

Overall, a very entertaining fic,

~Maria :)
LynseyWhitlock chapter 1 . 1/24/2011
Awe! Cute, jealous, over-protective Draco. Just the way I love him(;
opaque-girl chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
I loved it! The part about her angry husband waiting for her was cute, and the way he said her name oh so sweetly was just the Draco we know and love! Draco scolding off Harry for making his wife work overtime was yummy!

So awesome work :D
MagicMariah chapter 1 . 5/1/2010
I love this, realy cute!
hogwartsismydrug chapter 1 . 4/7/2010
Hey there, bud! I'm back from vacay in the Bahamas! *sigh* It was bliss. _

Anywho, here's a review! OMG! That rhymed. Sorry. I'm a little hyper today.

Back on track: This was really funny.

That's it. Yeah, I know it was short. I liked it!

I'm tired. OOh! Also: I like how Harry's the bad guy. I don't like him very much. :S


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