Reviews for Art of Subconscious Illusion
Kashagal and Natures Ruler chapter 6 . 7/20/2012
More Please! :)
The.Dust.Of.Jack chapter 6 . 8/20/2010
Very interesting ) Good style. I absolutely love the mix of House and Death Note, its wonderful XD
SecondtoNon chapter 6 . 12/22/2009
Please update soon.
Laila chapter 6 . 12/15/2009
interesting chapter i wonder what happend to the twin, and as well as Light to have a reaction like that to the medicine or whatever was wrong with him.
Mukichi chapter 1 . 11/27/2009
Art of Subconscious Illusion? You mean like the A7x song? Awesome.
otogii chapter 6 . 11/21/2009
the story didnt seem so bad it just seems to be missing something i dont know what it is

just to let you know i am very against yaoi or shonen ai but since the death note universe is surrounded by it i thought i would take a gander so far its ok seems that house is a tad bit OoC mainly because i think he would give more catty remarks towards L or something also i would think house would try to be figuring out who L is mainly because house in his spare tie as we all know likes to dig up dirt on his co workers haha

also im not a big fan of remarks the character make about them know this is a fanfic to me it kind of distracts the story as well as the little snipets explaining to the reader my only suggestion is to make a little mark to reference it to the a/n at the bottom that way the readers arent distraccted

anyway the story is interesting ill keep an eye on it good luck
Ruin Dun Burnit chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
Dear \ (?)

I am a very fair person, and I don't mind the flaming review you gave me, so if you can reply back to me on this through my profile, I am happy for you to explain yourself more clearly - for one thing, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by House not giving L a better challenge on deducting. If you can explain that, then I'll be happy to take the advice on board: By the tone and language of your review, I can only really improve.

As for the thing with Fox News, I'll have to be honest in that I've never watched it, and as a non-American, I was just taking on board what American programmes think of Fox in general to mould my own satire. From what I've heard of Fox, they most likely don't take things seriously, and tend to do things only to raise their ratings, so I added the unnecessary jokes and silliness to give more of a lightness to a story that is bound to get sad and depressing as it progresses. I now realise that it was silly of me to use unfounded 'prejudices' - if they can be called that, and that I really should have explained myself better, and added a Disclaimer. For me, it was just an opportunity to spread my comedy wings (it has been such a long time since I was writing History assignments where I was being funny and taking the mick for the overall sake of it).

For this I apologise, and if anyone else has any qualms with how I write and what I do with this, then please speak up, because then I can take on any of your advise and improve myself accordingly.

Thank you for your constructive advise, and if you are wondering: No, I am not going to change and remove the Fox News bit in the existing chapter. I have apologised and I feel that is enough to atone for my silliness.

Thank you and SEE YA!
Guest chapter 5 . 11/20/2009
so i was really willing to give the shonen ai a shot and as i was reading the thing there hardly seemed to be any really so i was happy about that but when you bring in politics from the outside world such as fox news and such that just starts to tick me off

also your story started to get anoying when house wasnt givin L a better challenge on deducting

so get rid of your anoying comment on fox news and i might login and put your story on my alert list
ZeroPanda chapter 6 . 11/20/2009
Yay! An update!

It was truly fantastic, as this story is.

I can tell you put alot of effort into it, it shows clearly in your work.

Keep it up! 3
Googleeyes chapter 5 . 9/15/2009
This story is really good. It's easy to picture it as an actual House episode, which is a great thing to be able to pull off in fanfic. All the characters are treated realistically, even the language issues are addressed.

Overall, it's great. However, there are a couple things which could use a little improvement. Some of the attempts at humour aren't really very funny. House's humour is great, but some of the self-aware references ("I thought that was a plot device") can get a little annoying if overused.

I'm also unsure about the team being so useless at trying to solve this case. It seems like L's doing more than they are, and they're the doctors. It makes sense to have him help a little, and I absolutely love the pink hat, but I don't know if everyone else would be so uninformed about mental illness. Speaking of which, don't they usually deal with physical illnesses? But I guess that would not work as well for the story, so...

Anyway, I love the story, great crossover, and I hope you update soon!
Battosailover5 chapter 5 . 9/6/2009
Loved the way you've done the story so far. OH NO! Light's crazy!
Laila chapter 5 . 9/6/2009
I watched a marathon of House the other day, and since i don't watch it that often, it rekindled my love for it. Then, i wanted to find a crossover with that and death note and i find this awesome fic! i always wanted to read a fic with somthing wrong with Light like this and i just love the idea. Looking forward to the next update!
ZeroPanda chapter 5 . 9/4/2009
First I would like to say that I have no idea who I would want as the live action cast, none of them. I'm a little iffy about my views on Zac Efron being Light, if he were to be, though because he has such an on/off acting career to me, I suppose I would just have to wait and see.

As for L, I totally agree with you there. As long as he has the whole L character down, I don't really care who gets the part. Pray that they do choose someone good though, because choosing the wrong actor just completely ruins movies sometimes.

Now on to your story, hehe.

I love it, really. I wish I could give you constructive criticism, but other than common grammatical errors and a few typoes, it was really great. And what I did catch was all so minor, it was overlookable, things that your mind would fix for you as you read.

Overall, amazing.

I feel like this review is overdue though, since I kinda forgot all about it. It was just lying in the confines of my computer, completely neglected. -sniffle-

But I won't forget again, nope!

Hope to see more from you soon.
Knoll chapter 3 . 8/26/2009
You're Japanese is pretty good, and I think this is rather interesting so far. I'm assuming that girl is Sayu then?

Update soon!
ZeroPanda chapter 3 . 7/28/2009
I really like this so far.

I wouldn't normally think of this kind of crossover, but I'm thoroughly interested.

Please continue!
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