Reviews for Shadow Play
lyra59 chapter 27 . 3/5/2015
I have mixed feelings about this fic.

I liked the story, so I read everything until the end.
I did want to stop every time there was a misspelling or grammar error (Please, stop writing THROUGH when you mean THOUGH!)
Plus, you kept getting confused about the facts in your story and it became pretty annoying...
I felt I should say it even though the story was completed in 2011.

Besides this, it was not so badly written and the story line was interesting.
MorningGloryBloom chapter 27 . 11/6/2013

I am new to reading fan-fics when I came across yours. I know its been a while sense you wrote this but I figured a kind word never really hurt anyone.

I couldn't put this down. It really touched me. I liked how it dealt with real life problems. it had great twists and out of what I have read your rendition of how Harry and Draco fell for each other has been the most heart felt. I guess I just really wanted to say a quick thank you. I know this story will stay with me for a while to come.

I hope life is treating you well,
Guest chapter 22 . 8/16/2013
I really like this story and the plot line. the only criticism I can come up with is that you repeat things, pr contradict them. For example, a few chapters earlier you had Harding call Hermione 'Mione and ask how Ron Hugo and Rose were and after he left Hermione turned to Draco and commented on how she didn't see how he knew about her family or that the nickname was one only Harry and Ron used and yet the next chapter they are all in the great hall and Harding gets excited realizing Hermione is THE Hermione Granger and in this chapter you did it again, last chapter you had Draco and Pansy in the great hall when Pansy told him of her pregnancy and yet this chapter she's telling him again in his quarters
DELETEDFORGOODDDDDD chapter 1 . 8/31/2012
I've read this before and I just realized, wouldn't Draco notice the last name Black, it's his mother's maiden name, surly he'd notice.
moonlitcat chapter 27 . 8/26/2012
thank you for a wonderful story
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 27 . 8/23/2012
I hate Harding.
Good luck, Draco, Harry, Jamie.
Exclipcein chapter 25 . 6/26/2012
I really liked this fic up until you started forgetting what you wrote. I liked how "James" acted earlier but then you had him be uncomfortable dating. Then you had Harry not know Harding but in this chapter you have him be an ex. You also had Ron confront Draco last chapter and then invite Draco to Hermione's dinner, but in this chapter, Ron is completely surprised by Harry and Hermione inviting Draco to dinner. This fic really had great potential but you need to reread what you wrote and keep your fic straight. I hope you do right more fics in the future, you have great ideas for fics, you just need to be more careful :)

I See Dead Animals chapter 27 . 6/24/2012
Beautiful story. I loved it so much. :)

I totally saw Lee coming. The whole bad character. XD

I'm sad that it ended but all good stories must come to an end, right?
lissatan chapter 23 . 6/3/2012
The story is amazing. Great job on it! And I just want to point out one or two inconsistencies in the stories, such as the presence of Draco at his father's death (in an earlier chapter, he came back shopping with his mother and found his father dead but a few chapters later, he explained to Harry that he was overseas when his father died.) and in this particular chapter, how Ron invited Draco over for dinner but seems to forget anything about it in the next chapter. Otherwise, the story has been a good read thus far. :)
Daddys little crazy bitch chapter 27 . 1/22/2012
love it

Obscene Cupcake chapter 13 . 12/19/2011
so confused. so... i thought the father died while draco was there, after they returned from a shopping trip? but here you say draco was in greece
Panda Blitz chapter 27 . 12/5/2011
This is just awesome. Took me a few days to read, but it was worth it XD
BloodyRose90 chapter 27 . 11/24/2011
I found this story so imaginative and cute. I totally loved it!
Tibby-x chapter 27 . 11/23/2011
Absolutely amazing!

-standing ovation, applause-

Love it!
WeisseHex chapter 6 . 11/18/2011
This story is just amazing! There is so much going on! When will Malfoy loosen up though? Bone head.. He needs to get laid, Blaise is right on that!
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