Reviews for New New Moon
Guest chapter 1 . 2/16
the paragraphs are wayyyy to chunky. split them up pls
Guest chapter 24 . 7/7/2018
that vulgar threat was funny...Input: crucifix,Output:Holy water :):)
whoshotthemoon chapter 23 . 2/22/2018
I like it better when all of them were wolfs
whoshotthemoon chapter 18 . 2/22/2018
Its sound so unrealistic. This whole "pack" looks to me like "gang" of schoolboys. Dont buy the idea but im gonna keep reading. No flames really, i like your writing and the fact that there is a plot, good it even make sense?
whoshotthemoon chapter 16 . 2/22/2018
Okay, I dont like this plot with the pack but im gonna keep reading
whoshotthemoon chapter 10 . 2/22/2018
Okaaay. I know this is for your plot for them to stay at Maca place but its a bit unbelieveable. The course was arranging them places to stay so they should arrange them different place. Its logical
whoshotthemoon chapter 4 . 2/21/2018
There is one thing I dont get - is it common in America to talk about your sex life with your parents? Come on... she shouldve just said theyre dating, im sure Charlie would assume theyre having sex. Like every healthy relationship. Why did she have to confess everything?
Ariana Peverell chapter 14 . 12/8/2015
I like the relationship development between Jake and Bella.
Ariana Peverell chapter 11 . 12/2/2015
Ariana Peverell chapter 7 . 12/2/2015
Wonder what. Mac's up to
Ariana Peverell chapter 6 . 12/2/2015
Down with emo Bella!
Ariana Peverell chapter 4 . 12/2/2015
Woah... Bella is actually talking to Charlie about Edward... that's never happened before...
Xemnas4 chapter 28 . 8/6/2015
Shit. Forget awesome, this Bella is BADASS! XD
Xemnas4 chapter 24 . 8/6/2015
Damn! This Bella is AWESOME. XD Loving this. Meyer would have a heart attack if she read this stuff. Lol.
Xemnas4 chapter 13 . 8/5/2015
Its official, I like Nickey. He's awesome. XD
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