Reviews for And You Give Yourself Away
FancyTyper chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
Serena is so much more complex and lyered than people give her credit for. Everything that she is stems from that event of her father leaving. This golden girl that everyone thinks has the perfect life and no demons is someone who is lost and confused. Someone who can't trust and is scared to fall in love. Who doesn't really even know love but accepts it anyway. And all those boys and men are just her way of filling that hole in her left by her father. This was such a great piece!
AA121 chapter 1 . 10/21/2012
So many men, so little time. And what about the next chapters - trip, nate, dan (again), the professor, random men I can't remember, and now matt camden. ...
oth4eva chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
I've just got into Gossip Girl, late i know, and somehow i stumbled across this. Like you i believe Serena's character is a lot more complex than anyone really gives her credit for and while Chuck and Blair are amazing they've kind of taken over the fans interest in the show i think, when really there's intrigue also in characters like Serena who's still growing and evolving and making mistakes. Anyway, this was really great, i loved reading an indepth view of Serena's character and you're a great writer!
WhereIsYourHeart10 chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
this was just... unbelievably beautiful. you captured this craziness in a way that told her story so well. great job!
PB4ever chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
wow that was amazing! S is indeed not given much substanc by ff writers as U rightly admitted. Loved the parts about Carter & Chuck & obviously Dady VdW.

lol though I'll always be a DS fan no matter how unfit they're in so oh so many fics.)
gossipgirlserenate chapter 1 . 10/4/2009
Wow. Amazing story. I completely agree with your A/N that Serena is actually a very deep, intelligent and interesting character although no one ever gives her the credit for it which really disappoints me sometimes. I adore Chuck and Blair but when people become totally obsessed and absorbed in all their drama, they seem to forget about the rest of the GG cast, which is just as important. People seem to find Serena more boring and a stupid character compared to Blair, but that is not the case at all. So you have portrayed Serena in the perfect way and really explored her character. If only everyone could read your amazing stories! Unbelievable. By the way, I read and love all of your fanfics, every single one of them. Well done! Please write more and update your other fanfics soon. Thanks so much! xo
deidree chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
This is gorgeous - and I agree, Serena is a very interesting character and I can very well see how she would define herself solely by relationships to men, as a fractured person. You write beautifully - by writing in the present, you've somehow given something the story a very fluent, lively and somehow impulsive feel? Very Serena, as it is - free, living in the moment. Have fun writing more!

PS: Nate and Serena seems the most fulfilling couple for Serena in your story here, or Serena and Carter in a way? But Nate and Serena here just seemed so... natural and real, which is what all couples should be. If you write more to this story (which I hope you do), am I right if you put Nate and Serena together?
Lily Jacobs chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
1. Brilliant

2. TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOUR A/N! She is so much more complex than most give her credit for!
inevitablevauseman chapter 1 . 8/4/2009
You do Serena so well.

It's amazing.

This was great.
Marissa Davis chapter 1 . 7/23/2009
aw that was great! my favorite ones were about nate and chuck i love her with them! great job i wished she would have ended up with nate but you had the someday aspect in there which is good. amazing work!
FinnFiona chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
Brilliant-really very brilliant. I love Chuck and Blair as well, but I can agree that a little diversity is good-particularly if the results are as good as this.

There are so many good lines here I'd go on forever trying to list them all... really, the whole thing is just so insightful and gives such depth to a character that is so often kept in the shallows. I love the way you weave this together... I sort of want to see how it keeps going in the future with these men and boys, but the ending is so perfect as it is-just a perfect resolution to the journey.

Well done!
smc-27 chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
This might be the most poignant thing you've written, and I find myself identifying (as I'm sure a lot of people will) with her through this whole piece. I cried at several parts, surprisingly those about Eric and Chuck (I never thought of her relationship with Chuck that way, but it does make total sense).

This was beautiful and...I don't know. Just perfect. I also loved how you left the N/S a little open ended "...she and Natie had plenty of time for that."

Truly wonderful work, and I love that you wrote it.
ColtLady chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
That was wonderful. I completely agree that the site has become dominated by Chuck and Blair fics, while some of them are definitely amazing I really don't know how many different scenarios you can invent for the same couple. I love Serena and I think the writers have made her very one dimensional (same goes for Nate and Dan who have become very one note along with Serena).

I love how your fic dealt with all the men that have passed in and out of her life as father figures as well as Eric and her many suitors. Especially loved the ones about Chuck and Carter. Carter/Serena is my new ship and I love the idea of Chuck and Serena as siblings.

Great story!
Jennaxox chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
Thanks for this. It was in one word amazing! Agreed definatly not enough Serena Fics. This was outstanding really liked the idea and where you took it. I enjoyed book Serena much more than show serena, hopefully now the Dan thing is over and done we will see them go back to Serena in the books a bit more. Can't wait for Serena Carter, and i adore the idea that he was her first; I really hope that was the case.
iwontfakeit chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
I very much agree with you when you say that Serena is a very complex character. The fact that everything seems to go her way not only is just apparent, but it also prevents from seeing who she really is. I adored this story. First of all because it’s about Serena, not enough Serena’s stories, and then because it shows that before she can pick up all the pieces of her broken self, she has to know who she is and what impact certain people had and will continue to have in her life.

I can’t hide that my favorite parts were the Eric, Chuck, Nate and Carter’s ones. In different levels these are the men who truly accept her for what she is and I can see her always relying on them and them being there for her and vice versa. The fact that Carter is the one who is there by her side when she finally seems to have found peace makes me very happy because you know how much I love these two together.

Fantastic job as always :D
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