Reviews for Fathers
L chapter 9 . 10/24/2017
I've reread this twice, and it's so good. I can't believe it's been seven years since this was last posted, and that I had missed reading this for so long! You haven't been online for a long time, I heard. I hope you're alright.
Amanda Saitou chapter 9 . 2/21/2012
You know, I've read all of the 9 chapters, and I've found this story so addicting! It's been a real fight of wills betweem Mohinder and Sylar, and I do like to how Sylas has been so patient all this time to prove himself both to his son and Mohinder. Hope you write more of this soon, it's a nice work
Tinkering chapter 9 . 4/27/2011
this isn't updated often huh? Well, I'll keep an eye out...
The Black Sluggard chapter 9 . 11/7/2010
This chapter was great. So sad and sweet.
Fernsfairie chapter 9 . 11/7/2010
Why Molly wanted to skip the movie is my question. I don't understand the way she was acting in the first part. I'm a teenage girl myself, and I really don't see girls acting like that with their caregivers. I actually don't understand the whole teenage girl stereotype. But hey, that's just me.

~Fern Rose
pleasedeletethispooraccount chapter 8 . 8/13/2010
You answered my update request! Yayyy!

Well, onto my thoughts for this chapter...

I understand where Mohinder is coming from. I mean, in this day and age, to wake up and have the sole person you live for gone without trace, you would feel sick to your stomach and full of pain.

Yet, at the same time, I see how Sylar would have felt that that was the only way, seeing as how Mohinder is always trying to keep him from contacting him or even trying to make arrangements to share time with Manu. Albeit, there were most definitely better ways to get some time with Manu.


Great job on another excellent chapter,

Fernsfairie chapter 8 . 8/12/2010
I'm so caught up between calling Sylar an asshole and pitying him, that I'll just say all the emotions feel perfect, and I loved this story.

~Fern Rose
Not Yet Knowing chapter 8 . 8/12/2010
I odn't really like Mohinder, more of a Sylar fan...but i can see why he was mad by the kidnapping and i can see why sylar did it...

Give a rehabing Killer some props man..i would of killed the girl if i was him...way controlling than i am..
pleasedeletethispooraccount chapter 7 . 8/5/2010
Awesome story so far :D And I'm really hoping for an update? Soon? Please? Hahaha(: You're doing a magnificent job! Keep it up!
Fernsfairie chapter 7 . 8/3/2010
Wait, that's the end? No more? This freaking enormous cliff hanger thing, and that's it?

~Fern Rose
Mylarvamp chapter 7 . 5/11/2010
poor sylar. he was doing what was best. i think mohinder has to stop treatin sylar like this. yes the man kill his father but that was long time ago, he need to let out all those grudges. and i think it will be best if Mohinder found out about Mira's intention and think that whatever sylar was doing, he was right and maybe when he will come back, he will be too late and get all jealous because sYLAR IS Moving on datin someone else.
The Black Sluggard chapter 7 . 5/11/2010
Not Yet Knowing chapter 7 . 5/10/2010
I wish Mohinder would see how hard it is for a killer to not kill ESPECIALLY when they are in front of places a crack addict in a room of full of it...

heh...Big Sylar fan here...


I wanna know what happens next...i can smell chaos from i right?
Zainab chapter 6 . 1/14/2010
syberiamatt chapter 6 . 12/14/2009
This chapter was definetly worth the wait! Hopefully you update sooner, but I loved it none the less! I'm not going to lie, I love the angst! Normally I'm like "HURRY UP!" but here it's understandable, their adults and Mohinder has REALLY good reasons why he can't be with Sylar.

Okay, just to clear it up, did they DO it, or did they just fall asleep together after the kiss? Either way, I loved how Mohinder didn't get mad at the last kiss!
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