Reviews for The Missing
Xelenah-IX chapter 13 . 5/23/2012
This chapter was so sad... I started crying, please don't write anything like this again... I don't think I could stand it. It WAS a good story though.
Emily Ebriection chapter 19 . 5/29/2011
Omigod! I fucking loved the stories! I was glad the Samuel Granger thing got out, but I kept waiting for Rosalie and Jasper to be asked about their almost-hookup and why he reacted like that to being called J. Overall, it was one of the best stories I've ever read. Aside from Edward WallBanger, of course. Gotta love that. I love the stranded- on-an-island stories, though, and not many people can pull off what you did. I tried to write one, but I didn't have any sort of plot behind it and ended up deleting the story. I defiantly didn't see the Eva/Shauna thing coming! Great work!
treena-ivy-carter chapter 19 . 8/7/2010

I really love stories like these! D
Specks52 chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
first fanfic to make me cry lol keep writing
doppytwin99 chapter 19 . 4/6/2010
Kimkrys chapter 19 . 1/6/2010
Chantel Lynn chapter 19 . 12/31/2009
OK, so don't take this this the wrong way, because I loved your stories, they kept me hooked and reading more, but they were desturbing and sick too. Very mature subject matter and very frightening to see writen.

Thanks for sharing your stories with us, i did like them both, but was a little scared of the subjects brought up, ecspecially the raping of a 6 year old girl. Made my skin crawl reading it.

RJRRAA chapter 19 . 12/21/2009
I really loved this.
Lilithgracecullen chapter 19 . 10/19/2009
This was a great story. While I am sad that Em and Rose died I am glad that everything worked out. The story had me laughing and crying. It was very well written and kept me interested till the end. Great job.
blank123 chapter 19 . 10/18/2009
That story was so amazing!

I loved it from beginning to end :D

great work! :D

x x
kattx0x chapter 19 . 10/18/2009
aw the story is over :(

awesome story if i havent added to my favs i will now :)
Meli Lullaby chapter 19 . 10/17/2009
I cant believe it over! what the hell I'm I going to do now lol. Even though you killed my fav couple, i really didnt want to read this fanfic anymore...but I'm really glad I did. Cant wait to read more from you!
Girlz-Rule chapter 19 . 10/17/2009
great last chapter:D
LolittaDeath chapter 18 . 10/15/2009
Does charlette know she was raped on the island?
Meli Lullaby chapter 18 . 10/15/2009
aw I love how you put Charlotte and Evan together, even as kids you knew they had a bond.
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