Reviews for Untouched
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20/2015
So good! I know it's been so long but please update! :)
MadrigalPrincess chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
I really hope you update. I love your character n hope to read more of her
Shaybo27 chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
Very good beginning, in my opinion. I don't like Ramirez-Not at all. Or Dr. Marcus. She's either going to be someone that I'll hate, or she'll be someone that eventually learns respect and becomes a more likable person. I'm leaning to the former. James makin chili... I can so imagine that :D Great beginning, and I hope you continue :)
kittiekat10105 chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
Carol Marcus? Uh-oh...

OK, I found your sequel. I don't normally read M-rated fics, but I'm giving this one a shot.

Love sneaky Kirk! I would have hit him if he scared me like that, though.

I'm hoping you continue this. I know you started this over a year ago, but hey. A girl can dream.
Lord Admiral Ky chapter 1 . 3/30/2010
And now, the continuation... I hope this new captain does not pose a threat for Jim and Christine. Keep it up and update soon please!
DeleteAbandonedDelete chapter 1 . 3/7/2010
Very interesting beginning to the sequel! I feel like there were so many little hints dropped in there about what could be coming. Can't wait to read more, keep up the good work :)
awilcox chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
love the story, love that there is a sequel to a story that I enjoyed so much. I like the characterization of Kirk and Chapel, and the progression of their relationship, and especially that you're not in a rush for her to be over her issues all at once. Given that you want some constructive criticism and not just gushing platitudes, I will say that there were one or two spelling errors, nothing jarring, and nothing that spell check would pick up on since the words themselves were correct. No irritating grammar mistakes either that I caught, but then again, given that in fanfic you learn to let some things go automatically, I could be wrong. Keep it up, I hope to read more soon!
Al-Ocramed chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
Nice sequel! But I thought Chapel would be in charge of Life Science, which is not the same as the other science department that would be under Spock's jurisdiction. Oh, well.
Yayyou chapter 1 . 12/25/2009
Great start really enjoyinh this so far
SweetIndulgence chapter 1 . 10/7/2009
So, I read your first story, and I just wanted to say i absolutely loved it. And so far, I think you have the sequel off to a good start. But, you aren't planning on Christine to develop feelings for Ramirez (sp?), right? That would make me frown, ): nono, Kirk is my special kink, and I like him with Christine. That being said, I'm really excited for your new story! Update soon!

-Your new avid reader, Courtney :)
ChamberlinofMusic chapter 1 . 10/1/2009
This is really something! I love the relationship between James and Christine. They certainly are a cute pair. I look forward to what will happen between this pair!
freitazal chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
fantastic chapter ! i love how sneaky kirk is , hes so funny ,

i cant wait for more ,

mumb0jumb0 chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
I loved F&A, one of my readers recommended it to me a few weeks ago, and now they notified me that you're writing a sequel! I was trés excited. haha

I love this first chapter! I can't wait to see how you incorporate these four new characters into the story line, and to see where you go now that you have more creative license than ever since you're not restricted by the film's plot line :) I think you have a great style! Keep it up, I look forward to more!


p.s. I know what you mean about memory alpha. It is my saviour! I've only gotten six chapters into my fic, but I think I've explored every nook and cranny of it's database. haha it saves my head from serious fans who have way more knowledge than I do, since I've only become recently interested in Star Trek. in conclusion: memory alpha is the most useful aid for trek fics

firebirdgirl chapter 1 . 8/5/2009
Yay a sequel! As usual, Marcus thinks her crap don't stink...yay. Hope Bones puts her in her place! Glad Ramirez isn't sticking around...Keep up the great work & Happy writing!
Rachelewe chapter 1 . 8/5/2009
Please continue! I would love to see Kirk and Chapel more. I was so sad when the last story ended!
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