Reviews for Man in the Mirror
KawaiiKilala77 chapter 1 . 10/9/2010
No! I don't want to be hunt down by Roxas. I'll review!

It was a cute one-shot. Loved how you portrayed all the characters.
orangejuicesmilies chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
GAH. I blame Kairi. xP She's the one who made Sora fall head over heels for her, and FORGET RIKU'S BIRTHDAY. This is the only time I will EVER do this.. but I WANT TO SLAP SORA. Okay, my first and last time of ever wanting to feel that way is over. (I love Sora. xP) But GOSH, KAIRI. SERVES YOU RIGHT FOR BEING DUMPED BY SORA. SORA AND RIKU BELONG TOGETHER (which i ever-so-elaborately ranted about on my profile).

Okay, i'm done with my ridiculous ranting. xP This was super cute! Don't hate yourself, Riku! You're a sexy beast! :P
Yunie Tatlin chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
Awesome! I like this a lot. Well written and makes me smile! I'm short on words because I just woke up, sorry!
Kyashii chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
The part where you wrote about Riku's birthday being forgotten was so sad! TT How he drifted away from them afterward and grew to resent them...oh, sad. Sad sad :(

But then I chuckled, because of the phrase "frequent sugar binges." Lolz, that was great x3 xDD

But the END~~ Ahh, the ending was so beautiful. The last lines just...m, I love happy endings. Namine, Sora, Riku, and Kairi were super in character~ (dunno about Roxas-all I remember you saying about him is that he was quiet. xDD)

All in all, WONDERFUL. Simply wonderful. A cute story the entire family can enjoy! -has always wanted to say that. Well, assuming the family likes shounen-ai undertones x3

Once again, thank you so much for writing this for me! :D O
NinjaSheik chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
Wow...Cool~! I like it!