Reviews for Incense
Guest chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
Uh, the Yamanaka Clan doesn't have a bloodline.
Vigriff chapter 1 . 10/17/2018
I like this mainly because of how accurate it is. Konoha shinobi in general are rather spoiled though.
larryjc chapter 1 . 1/6/2016
Question...was Anko any better when she was their age?
Theralion chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
I'm trying to make sure that this doesn't sound like a flame, but this fic seemed quite mean-spirited for the most part. There was a relentless, endless barrage of negativity without anything to leaven it, and as such, it was quite unpleasant to read.

Doom Marine 54 had a good analysis of where and how the girls shine, so I won't repeat that. I also have to wonder, though what Anko would have to say about the boys, who consist of:
*A loud-mouthed, hyperactive ninja in orange who graduated the academy after failing three times.
*A hotheaded dog lover with a poor work ethic.
*A lazy guy with hardly any close-quarters combat ability.
*A chubby boy who seems unwilling to do anything except eat or fight with people who call him "fat".
*A ninja who can only perform taijutsu and who, according to some of his classmates and his teacher, was initially mediocre even at that.
Of course, that's not all there is to them by a long shot, but they can be reduced to that level with the right mindset.

That leaves Sasuke, Neji and Shino. Considering that Sasuke's desire to avenge his clan leads him to leave the village and Neji almost kills Hinata in a fit of rage when she's unable to fight back, they, too, have issues, and arguably issues that are far more likely to lead to serious problems. Shino's left, and I'm sure that if Anko so desired, she could think of a way to criticize him for being a one-trick pony dependent on his bugs. Essentially, one could be so dismissive of any of the Konoha 11 plus Sasuke if they tried, and arguably, Naruto, Chouji and Lee are, at the start of the series, better candidates for this than any of the girls.

Perhaps Anko would be frustrated with the naivete of younger ninjas considering what she went through, but if she is, she hasn't expressed that much. At most, she seems somewhat disappointed that Ibiki's test didn't thin the crowd of those taking the Chunin Exam by much, but seems confident that the second test will separate the wheat from the chaff.

In short, this didn't read like a fanfic as much as someone essentially making a list of a few characters and everything they don't like about them, which is why I couldn't enjoy it. I hope you don't take this personally.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2014
Well that was OOC OVERBOARD
Lord of Bones chapter 1 . 5/22/2011
Anko sure is snobbish for someone whose shining moment was getting curbstomped by a bored Orochimaru.
KuroiHanabixShenny chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
Rough . . . but True

Pretty Good d(*-*)
Lazielow chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
Awesome job ! XP
Drac-frst chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
Wasn't sure what to expect with this one, but damn - you said what a lot of us are thinking here. Seriously, the way the manga portrays ninja they might as well be superheroes and supervillains, or "white" knights and "dark" knights. No sublety, a main character that's dumber than a rock, and (as you so helpfully pointed out) each of the primary or secondary female characters Naruto's age is so painfully weak and useless its disgraceful. Personally I think Tenten is a bit better than the other three, but even then (as you've pointed out) not by much. The constant delusions of "just" missions and the continual worshiping (despite his betrayal) of a traitor based on /genetics/ of all things.. how shallow can you get? Even the author himself seems to be pandering to the Uchiha, although considering that Naruto has mysteriously jumped in power despite having the intelligence of a sponge, perhaps "intelligent but insane" does justify being stronger. ... Although that still doesn't explain the disturbing preoccupation with the character despite his betraying everyone and well.. you know, obsessive mental disorder.

.. okay, I ranted a bit there. But you get the point: Good story, and we hear you man. Even the die-hards are realizing that there's something seriously wrong with the series, even if the premise of ninjas and their skills was originally pretty good.
Seith chapter 1 . 3/12/2010
Plain... awesome. I can't find the fitting words. Honestly. I've always loved and adored Anko and from her point of view you managed to show what I keep thinking all along: Shinobi/Kunoichi from Konoha are kind of spoiled and pampered. Would probably really look ridiculous to someone like Anko. Great work!
anthropomorphizer chapter 1 . 8/3/2009
An excellent one-shot. You continue to amaze me.
GenmaTheDestroyer chapter 1 . 8/1/2009
I enjoy a good snark fest (old school Ino or Sakura are great targets), but I wonder how much she wishes to 'get her hands on' Sakura after the Time Skip?

Considering Sakura's well on her way to becoming more powerful than her sensei, at this point Anko's probably taking a big, heaping cup of STFU and not mentioning her old opinions.
John chapter 1 . 8/1/2009
Hvacunit chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
This piece was simply great ]
Lainana chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
This is the most thoughtful Anko-thingy i've read.

It's full of things people pray for.

If I could write as beautiful as this I'd be in heaven singing.
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