Reviews for The Pack
wobbear chapter 4 . 3/20/2011
Hard to believe, but I just came across this story today. 'Twas kismet! I've been thinking about Bruno fics and am addicted to the Animal Cops shows too. I love the way you built this up gradually so that when Grissom stepped up to help welcome Bruno into their pack, it was believable - as well as incredibly cute! And Sara's thought processes were hilarious but real too ... the bit where she thought it was probably best not to set up a doghouse with Bruno's name over the door rang very true. I loved this fic. Great job!
NickyStokes chapter 4 . 9/9/2010
I have a rescued Dobe, he was in a kill shelter in Detroit and I'm in Northern Illinois...saw him online and drove there when they told me 'Sorry his number is up on Monday' His name is of course Grissom and he's been a blessing since I got him...salutes to someone taking the time to write a story about rescue...
sky m chapter 4 . 7/31/2009
great story!, thanks for sharing...
Moochiecat chapter 4 . 7/30/2009
Terrific chapter! Loved how Sara wasn't above using her feminine wiles to bring Griss over to her point of view. I mean, after all, she did make a stop at Victoria's Secret, didn't she? LOL! Loved how you had Gil research how to bond with a rescue dog, because, well, he would, wouldn't he? And thanks for the comments about humane society workers. They deserve every word. My adored Golden Retriever/Greyhound came from the humane society and gave us 14 years of joy. When we were ready for another dog, it was right back to the shelter. Now Heidi, the half beagle/half Aussie shepard, is laughing and leaping and sharing kisses. Shelter dogs RULE! (p.s. so do shelter kitties!)
gnesd chapter 4 . 7/30/2009
Aw, this was such a great story I hate to see it end. Thank you!
Stevonnie-U chapter 4 . 7/30/2009
That was so cute and sweet. As an owner of two rescue dogs, one of which was badly abused, I can really identify with this.
JellybeanChiChi chapter 4 . 7/30/2009
If I adopt a dog, will it come with a Grissom? :-)

Cute story. Nice to have some cuteness. Well done.
gsrshipper chapter 4 . 7/30/2009
Big fat squee! :D I just love all your stories. Thanks for sharing!
berniej chapter 4 . 7/29/2009
Hi, I really like this, I could never really figure how a guy like Grissom would own a dog, he's just not the type to go get one,but this was a really good idea, Sara is definitely the type to fall for an abused animal and get involved,it made it so more realistic that he would accept Bruno for Sara's sake then do his own 'investigating' and finally accept the feeling of 'love' that was sure to ensue between a man and 'his' dog. Thanks it made far more sense than suddenly having a dog from nowhere as an accepted part of his life!

Phoebep chapter 4 . 7/29/2009
This is a truly wonderful story. You've done a great job describing Bruno's journey and Sara's feelings along the way. Grissom's change of heart was very true to character, as well. Very nicely done!

As someone who has had several rescue dogs over the years, I read your story with great delight and a big ol' smile on my face, particularly the last scene. :)
feakinlove chapter 4 . 7/29/2009

what a wonderful ending. while i was driving (fast so i could get home and read this update) i was thinking about a fic where sara asks grissom about getting a dog while he is on his sabbatical. he says absolutley not! and they argue about it and become distant. they both end up having an affair and finding out after grissom gets back. grissom can forgive sara, but she can't forgive herself and leaves vegas. makes my heartbreak just thinking about it. it was a wonderful fic, but horribly sad. i don't remember the name though. so i am glad you made grissom ok with the dog.

i do hope you write some more, whether it be bruno fics or whatever fics. writers have been beating up grissom...maybe you could have grissom and bruno fight a bear or something. lol!

thanks for this! keep up the great work!
Spratjmk chapter 4 . 7/29/2009
Great story. Hope you have more
sillym3 chapter 4 . 7/29/2009
Cute ending... Loved it!
jtbwriter chapter 4 . 7/29/2009
Thank you-what a sweet and satisfying story-and I love the pack reference-congrats on a great what if!
sixytplus chapter 4 . 7/29/2009
what a lovely little story ,I will be watching for more like this .:):)
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