Reviews for A Hand to Hold
ParadiseAvenger chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Aww, this was really cute. Zero is the best, even as a insecure vampire and Yuuki's such a clueles person. Leave Kaname already! Kudos to you!
YenGirl chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
All right, I’m glad I read Yuuki’s POV first, coz I loved this one better! Zero has always been my firm favourite, even if Kaname is just a step behind now *grins*

I like the similarity in both fics, about their thoughts giving us insight into their growing relationship, how they saw each other at first, then those thoughts gathering speed like an accelerating train and everything – their own actions, the other’s, everything just pointing to the inevitable conclusion – they loved each other.

Zero’s one especially cool, perhaps because of the ‘unsurprised’ way he went about it. As if he already knew and just needed to acknowledge it to himself.

Yes, Zero, you gather the courage to tell her soon, OK? Not just one day but soon!

Lovely read!