Reviews for The Power of Empathy
irezel chapter 1 . 7/4/2014
wow, i fucking enjoyed this. damn.
MtShinra chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
Very emotionally charged. Nice work.
XamierTheNobody chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
Woah I was not expecting the outcome of this! Awesome story yet again
ibelieveinahappilyeverafter chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
...Whoa...why do depressing fics always get me all...happy?

I am seriously smirking and an a second away from cackling. Pinky and the Brain was the first cartoon I watched. That evil of taking of the world. Of wanting something bad enough...

Heh...I think you just made me remember something I've forgotten. Let me know if you ever need help with a story or anything of the sort, after all, I am in your debt as of now...
viperblack chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
This story seems oddly incomplete...
Keenon chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
It appears that you've popped my Chase/Jack cherry.

Oh my God, I've never read anything as fantastic as this.

I can't even type in coherent sentences (and not because it's almost 6 in the morning).

Please give me more of something like this. I love the idea of Jack giving someone a taste of what he has to put up with-I personally never thought of it before, but again, this couple is entitrely new to me. And as I've stated before, I couldn't be more happier having this masterpiece as my first Chase/Jack story.
skrybble chapter 1 . 5/27/2010
Um, okay. So I'm a new Chack addict, and thought that this one looked interesting. It wasn't-it was absolutely freaking INCREDIBLE.

Your description and style of writing are gorgeous, and the plot itself was fantastic. I loved the idea of the Tóng Qíng Torques, and Jack's POV through them was brilliantly done. I've always been a Spicer fan (how dare absolutely *everyone* beat him up ALL THE TIME?) but I don't think I've ever felt so bad for the poor little genius... *swipes at tears...*

So has to be said, the peak of this was the characters and their POVs. The emotion you got all the way through was absolutely chilling in some places, and completely mind-blowing in others. This has to be one of my favorite Xiaolin fics ever-there's kind of too much I liked about it to describe. It was crazy... in the good way. You know.

But. Anyway. Gushing over. Awesome job!
CowboyHat chapter 1 . 5/2/2010
This is... the first fic I've read for the Chack pairing? Yup, I think so. Now, thanks to you and this fic, it's a new obsession. :]

Your grammar and vocabulary skills are positively amazing, and the overall plot of this fic is mind-blowing. I love the way you portrayed the characters, really making you think and enjoy at the same time. The raw emotion throughout is crazy, in the best way. This has to be one of my favorite fics of all time. There's just so much I like about it, it's hard to articulate.

Really, really good job. :D (I believe I have sufficiently freaked you out, now. xD)
Kim Sun-Li chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
Amazing, touching and very well written.

I haven' seen a story this good on Fanficion in a long time.

Keep up the good work...


Jeez! (grumble grumble) getting me all hot with the lust one and not even writting an actuall lemon! (POUT!)
StrongerThanISeem chapter 1 . 8/17/2009
On the off-chance I sound totally freakish- aw, damnit, who cares? I LOVE THIS! KYA.

Ahem. Wow, I haven't really 'kya'-eed in a long time. See what you do?

Oh man, this was way too good. Pure, uncut, GENIUS. I am one-hundred percent POSITIVE Silvarbelle loved her gift- hell, I love it enough for the both of us.

Can I worship you? Well, not like Jack does Chase, but yeah, you know.

The ending was so amazing- I reread it at least thrice. Jack Spicer has FINALLY shown his true potential! Yes! And the cherry on top is getting Chase like that. XD

I admit, I skimmed through the 'lust for self' because it KIND of disturbed me, but in a good way...I suppose. Luckily Jack handled that.

Thank you so much for spreading even more of your genius to the world, and the crazed Chack fans. (I'm hoping to exclude me, but with the way things are going, there's no wway in hell)

Evil love, is the best love, or at least, in this case they are! It is! Grr...grammer issues! *hits computer*

*rereads story and calms down* Ahh...

I'd give you a million out of five, but that would be insulting to you! :D
snarky fox chapter 1 . 8/1/2009
Aw! That was really cute and sad. ):

You should write more! I love all your stories.
laurexine flight chapter 1 . 8/1/2009
excelent! as always! thanks for posting this here!
Existence's Bane chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
That was...guh. Spectacular. Fabulous job. The empathy was totally creative (as well as the Shen Gong Wu in this fic; you're always so creative in them, but this is my favorite). And, erm, that one part was completely hot. And it was balanced by feeling, so it wasn't a PWP or anything.
Black-Rose23 chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
I fear for the Xiaolin side when Chase finished fixing Jack, but I'd still have loved to see what he did to them for all the years of abuse after finally being taught proper evil.