Reviews for Carnal Desires
Kmpcarter chapter 30 . 3/8
It really sucks to get into a story only to find it has no ending.
YunaNara chapter 28 . 9/12/2019
awesome loved the whole story but where do u plan on posting your stories what site
NUCGIRL72 chapter 30 . 11/8/2018
celajwhitney chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
where has this bella been hiding?
flanduslover1 chapter 30 . 9/20/2017
Can't wait I love this
Lovely Black Butterfly chapter 18 . 5/22/2017
OMG Edward is a sick self loathing masochistic Psycho Lunatic..schizophrenic much
angelaroberts202 chapter 8 . 3/16/2017
Lol you can't hide emotions from an empath. It's not like hiding emotions physically by looking nonchalant. You are always feeling something.
angelaroberts202 chapter 1 . 3/16/2017
She could have just said she was thinking about Edward but was guilty about wanting to call him back because he needs to hunt and that would be selfish.
kinnik chapter 5 . 1/11/2017
Lemon was great and I'm so excited they still have Saturday!
kinnik chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
Love it already!
jeoliverio chapter 29 . 11/28/2016
Read to chapter 29, I really hope that this story because I want to read the end?
Michelle Law chapter 7 . 10/28/2016
Second in Command! that is PRICELESS. You should definitely copyright that phrase. Definitely a different take on the typical " Jasper/Bella-Jasper helps Bella recover from her shattered heart while she heals his inner "scars". "
skyeza chapter 30 . 6/2/2016
WHAT? Please continue with this awesome story. I've really enjoyed it.
1WhoLoves2ReadAlot chapter 30 . 2/21/2016
Great story, so far! Love it! Hope you get a chance to continue
silversimon chapter 23 . 1/11/2015
So how many free shots does Assward get before he earns a butt kicking? That makes twice he's physically injured Bella because he cannot control his adolescent ass. He had his one "freebie ". His arms should remain removed until Bella's injuries heal. But no...the golden boy never deserves his just desserts ... poor Edward, my ass! Carlisle, as coven leader, should take him back to the woodshed. Esme should also act like a real parent since she wants to be a "mom " so badly. That job comes with obligations, not just fun. Lastly, Bella and Jasper are soul mates. Isn't it supposed to be nearly impossible to not claim one's mate? No guilt for Jasper or Bella, whereas Dumbward fooled around with Tanya for the hell of it. Not comparable situations.
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