Reviews for The Other Side
raenbc chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
Sad, but beautiful! Amazingly written. Minutemen was on yesterday so I'm kinda obsessed with it all over again. This satisfied my craving for it, and does a GREAT job answering the "What if?" question. A definite favorite, AWESOME job! ]
Anime Fan 4 life chapter 1 . 12/26/2011

I hate him for that!


other than Virg being dumb

this was a good story

bye-bye now
Yusuke Urameshi - Mazoku chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
Good Work
mad-marquise chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
I really enjoyed this! The whole thing flows so smoothly- everyone's in character, and you described/worded everything in a way that make's you really feel the sadness of the situation.

I haven't watched Minutemen in ages, but this fic made me want to go watch it again :)

All in all, great job~
Admiral Lily chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
The thing with What If questions is that the answers are endless. If they all remembered they'd still have the choice to break it knowing what they know but for your story you chose not to. You could always write another one with a happier ending. ;)
From the End of Heaven chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
I quite like this- I wondered myself what would happen if he did change everything. I find this very realistic- ha realistic, Time Travel!

I like it- I have no other words.
The Riddle Heir chapter 1 . 9/22/2009
i agree completely, though i would think that Zeke would still hang out with charlie, and it would be virgil that wouldn't break his barriers... oh well, do forgive my ramblings they're the only proof i have to show i'm not completely crazy lol :)