Reviews for Soaring Dragon, Dancing Phoenix
Major144 chapter 22 . 3/8
A great and epic story. A very good read where we see both Po and Tai Lung reach the next level and see them embrace their destinies and become great Kung Fu heroes. The pacing was good and there were a bunch of interesting characters introduced in the story. The fights were epic and I enjoyed every chapter.
Lost chapter 21 . 11/16/2018
I had always loved reading this story...But the whole hell thing...and unceremoniously making the russian antagonist pay for his crimes while his body is overtaken by Lang...It's dark. Extremely dark. It's not even a happy ending...If the story was about redempton and forgiveness...

This was not it. This is a story of gods playing with the lives of mortality. If by this world's logic; a suitable punishment would be to grow up under horrible circumstances and dying young...

Then that is why monsters are born. Darkness is never extinguished and it doesn't belong to a soul:

"Darkness is simply the absence of Light, Monsters are those with the absence of heart and when good men look away while evil triumph; that is the absence of soul."

I enjoyed this read. It helped with my depression for a time to feel like maybe everyone had a little light in them; but it seems even those with a little goodness in their hearts; for their crimes alone will live difficult...degrading...or non existant (an ant. Oof.) life.
Call me Mutual chapter 22 . 5/5/2017
Your fics was hands down the best KFP fanfiction iv ever had the pleasure of reading it's was perfect in soo many ways iv read all youre other KFP fics and I'm kinda sad that youve retired from writing fanfiction but I do respect ya decision. Now after finishing this awsome story I'm left with the decision on where to go now if you know of anyour other top quality KFP fanfiction I'd appreciate it if ya briefed me of them so I could read them thanks very much for all your work and good look in your future endeavours. Xx
Call me mutual chapter 9 . 4/21/2017
You've definitely still got it . X
a forgotten place chapter 20 . 12/5/2016
The thing is, anyone would have done as Koshchei did in his situation. His parents never wanted him and allowed his siblings to abuse him. They probably abused him themselves. He hated his lot in life. So instead of playing the victim, he rose up to the challenge and rid of the problem. He proved himself stronger, smarter, more ruthless than his siblings.

Koschei did nothing wrong in doing what he did to them.

Shame he didn't succeed in killing Dalang and Shang Jr. end the line then and there.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/20/2016
... a baby?
EtheriousLogia chapter 22 . 4/21/2016
Noooooooo... Done retire :(
Leon chapter 20 . 12/23/2015
Asmodei's siblings hated him and wanted him to die in the winter. Sonya thought he a waste. So it's not his fault he is evil.

They deserved what they got.
dishonorale chapter 20 . 12/22/2015
So it's not Asmodei's fault he is evil. His family deserved what was coming
Windsquid Fu chapter 22 . 11/18/2015
What an incredible journey, this was. A marvelous masterpiece this was, just like "Present". They are the two best fanfics I have ever read. They are god amongst fanfictions with the fantastic amounts of tragedy, drama, heartbreak, romance, joy, family, humour, and of course, a little bit of action. I adored these stories, and when I finished with this one, I couldn't help but get choked up at seeing all of these characters pull through their situations, overcome all the odds, and come out victorious. A million thank you's for allowing us to take in your top-notch writing prowess. Wow, what a journey.
Tigergirl713 chapter 22 . 8/3/2015
I absolutely positively love your writing, and your work. And congrats and thank you, you have really connected to people with your work. I hope and dream that someday you will comeback and write more Kung Fu Panda, because you have really touched my heart with all of the events in your stories including funny, happy, sad, sometimes anger, and events about forgiving. Your stories have truly made my summer and I will always remember you and your work. If you ever have a thought about coming back, then please comeback it would mean something to a lot of your fans.
P.S. Sorry I'm not logged in, but if you ever want to PM me, plz do!
nievelion chapter 22 . 6/18/2014
(cont. from previous review) As for what she revealed, hah, I knew they were legit all along! The fact they lost their family because of Asmodei makes sense…in these sorts of stories, the characters are always interconnected aren't they, especially through tragedy.

And then we come to Altai and what he revealed. Part of me wants to be annoyed with Oogway for keeping Tai in Chorh-Gom just because he was sure Tai was meant to fulfill prophecy and become the Phoenix Warrior, but I seem to recall him doing the same thing because of Chao in my story so I'll shut up. :P Guess we both think Oogway is the sort to be willing to uses the ends and means argument when the ends really are that important and the good is worth the bad that happens along the way? Or to put it another way, Omniscient Morality License. Still think it's rather awful that Oogway allowed Tai to go through that abuse and rape for the sake of prophecy. But he did apologize, he didn't know what exactly would happen, and it can't be denied it made Tai stronger in the end.

So Zang was in it for the money, but also for what Tai did to Vachir. Still pretty pathetic, and definitely not worth killing despite his misogyny. Yet in the end you managed to give him at least some small trace of honor, as he realized what he'd done in the name of vengeance and took the right way out. I don't feel sorry for him, but I do pity what he became and what happened to him because of his vengeance.

Anyway between that, and all the people Black Ops had watching out for Tai Lung…so many secrets, and you sure did enjoying unveiling them now, didn't you?

Speaking of secrets, thanks for finally revealing the one about Quon's heritage you only told me forever ago. :P I really like his relationship with his uncle, although it's clear Quon's line of work as well as their closeness in age is also why he is so mature and distant with Dalang. As for the search for Shang's other offspring…LOL! You totally included that just for my benefit, right? I *know* you included the joke about men for my benefit. ;) Anyway, the punch-line about the 22 letters was perfect. If I can I may make reference to this in the vignette where Shang appears, although I think in mine he may not have quite so many. Or if he does, he still settled down with and married the mother of some of them.

Great callback to TWTCITP at the end there too. And wonderful seeing the kind of brother-sister relationship Tai and Tigress have established. Even when they aren't involved with each other, we all can agree the two of them have a lot in common, which makes it just as easy for them to be close friends, fellow warriors, and siblings.

So much awesomeness!

Hah, so nice to see Poor Communication Kills resolved so easily. But I knew it would be, once Su and Po got to finally, really talk. And OMG they are so cute together, and what Po did for so they could marry was so meaningful and powerful, and her reaction… **babbles happily**

The Emperor is a prick I see. And I had such high hopes for him after he pardoned Tai Lung and wasn't the one behind Zang's orders. He seemed nice and likable in the first scene, but really? Coming after Duo for inciting rebellion…for one offhand comment…that made people rise up against a nasty oppressive duke who had been flouting the Emperor's authority himself? And trying to pull rank the way he did when he was only a fifth son never meant to be emperor, and his actions were flouting both the permanent agreement regarding the Valley and Oogway's past demands of him? Putz. At least he finally came to his senses and remembered the prophecy. He may not be the worst Chinese emperor ever, but he sure doesn't deserve respect IMO. Getting to see Po stand up to him like that was admittedly pretty damn awesome though. (As was him in the Grand Master's garb!) And the Princess Bride line was priceless.

I'd say it's a shame Altai was forced to resign because of all this except he clearly didn't want to keep working for Special Ops anyway…and where he and Duo end up is actually a better place in so many ways—they were both right, becoming monks was the best way to atone (at least as far as their own hearts told them, since as far as I'm concerned they've already made up for any wrongs they committed) and to raise the leopard cub. Love how honorable Altai is, and how he helped Duo bury Lang. And adopting Little Brother was unexpected, but so very sweet and perfect.

Tigress providing relief to the people of the Valley was so heartwarming, it's great to see how far she's come in opening up and expressing her emotions.

LOL at Sonam's petulance over not getting to kill Mei's ex! But Tai is right, being the assassin who can kill with a look is pretty bada$$ at that. How reassuring though that he checked in on Mei's family…and him writing the letter for her mom was deeply moving, as was them getting to reunite-great closure here all around. Between that and the whole bit with Po, Su, and their new house in the orchard (at least the emperor did something right, providing the money for such an endeavor), there's a lot of familial bliss here too. As there should be. :)

The new Phoenix Temple…wow. First, Altai being called Golden Rhino now—shout-out to Ilien's Book of Changes? :D And how appropriate that Duo, now called Sun Wolf, has taken Sun Bear's place…the Phoenix Warrior and Scroll are all about redemption, new beginnings, and getting the chance to atone and make up for your past. I'm sure Sun Bear approves of this as much as he did of Duo raising Lang. The bit with all the kids meeting and becoming friends was absolutely adorable; Duo may have a point, but the world will be a better place if people start believing it really is that easy to make friends. Little Lang is so sweet…I love that he's getting all the love and education he should have gotten. It's very clear he's going to be pretty much the opposite of his previous lives, precisely because he is so focused on scholarly pursuits first, kung fu second; it's like the old adage that those best suited to rule are the ones who don't want to—the best warriors and fighters are also the ones who don't want to do it, but do because it's the right thing to do, to protect others.

Your bit with the meaning of the Phoenix Scroll, how the world isn't ready for it, and how it requires another man, in another place, to spread its message…my first instinct was to wince a bit at the Anviliciousness (this, from someone who had teased me for making my story be about forgiveness and love overcoming the might of the Dark One?), particularly as it coming from Tai seemed to make him even more of a Messiah-figure. But…Some Anvils Need to be Dropped. And I have to agree your sentiment is moving, and so very true, and it was essentially the same theme and point I was making with ADL, that forgiveness is arduous, difficult, even painful, but it absolutely is something we must do and one of if not the most important things we can do in life. And of course it's not as if Tai's story (in either of our works!) isn't inspiring enough in how it shows even the worst sinner can truly repent and become a great force for good and heroism. Plus phoenixes and their resurrective properties have been associated with Christ even longer than the unicorn. So…good show, very good show, powerful, symbolic, and a beautiful way to bring Eastern and Western faith together (which, if scholarship is correct and I believe it is, is even true to life in the source of a good part of Jesus' teachings. I had to also wince at you saying he would know how to properly spread the message of the scroll, considering how few of his followers have shown their ability to do the same, or even understand it. But…there is always hope they will.

The ending was beautiful, absolutely perfect, from the new emperor now respecting the warriors and taking their advice to the fact they have come so far and become such a perfectly balanced force for peace, to you aping the end of the first movie, probably the most heartwarming bit of all. I liked making similar callbacks to ground my work in the source material again. And as for the happiness of it all…you already set up for things being happy with the endings of TWTCITP and the shuffles (heck, even the ending of Memoirs, though all the tragedy Shifu had been through made it much more bittersweet), and as you know I love happy endings as much as you do. So don't apologize. As with ADL, this is definitely a case of it having been earned.

In the end looking back, I still have to say this isn't your strongest work (I'd still call Memoirs that). There were some questionable choices in character arcs, plot developments, and pacing; far too many characters; cases where you either changed your plans mid-stream or, if what you did was planned all along, the results didn't feel organic and streamlined; places where it was rushed, things weren't properly foreshadowed or otherwise set up, there were too many deux ex machinas, or the various plot threads and secrets/reveals were tied up a little too neatly. A lot of this is obviously due to how long it took you to write it, all the changes in your life, and your loss of interest as you moved on to focus on original work. But I am glad you were dedicated to finishing it so you could leave the fandom with a clear conscience and we could find out everyone's final fates. And even with the things I criticized or objected to, particularly near the end, there was still a lot of fantastic mystical imagery, great plot bunnies, some deeply moving and emotional material (I will never forget how you had Po help Tai deal with his rape), incredible fight scenes, and a great balance between being dark and edgy and hilarious humor. So while it isn't your best work, it's still a good story, a great capstone to the universe of your first KFP story, and a satisfying resolution overall. And the shout-outs! _

So thank you for writing
VillageIdiot88 chapter 22 . 6/16/2014
It's in the godless hours where I am so let me simply say this: Thank you for the superb story. Bravo.
Meridian Prime chapter 22 . 6/17/2014
I don't have anything to say other than: Congratulations. You have finished something truly special.
vcj chapter 22 . 6/16/2014
Ms. Luna Goldsun, or whatever you are known as now:

First off, I would like to thank you for making and finishing your stories "Memoirs of a Master", "That's Why They Call it the Present", and of course "Soaring Dragon, Dancing Phoenix". These stories are some of the first great works of fanfiction that I have read from beginning to end, and also some of the best I've read.

After a long journey, we readers finally get to know the end of this tale, and I thank you for making one that works so well. I feel these stories will be ones that I will remember for the better part of my life.

Congratulations for getting married, and the best of luck in your future endeavors!
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