Reviews for Shoes etc
ccs chapter 1 . 8/4/2009
I especially loved part 5- beautiful!

Well done!
Cleavage Queen chapter 1 . 8/4/2009
Okay - ya gotta give props to a person who can write 3300 words on SHOES! And they were 3300 GOOD words about shoes and our beloved Cuddy. each section made sense (except what does "self-esteem cf. high heels" mean?)

I'd drop the rating a bit though - not really an "R" sceen - more like a PG for subject but nothing that you wouldn't see on TV (heck - Facts of Life in the 80's went even further than that!)

You've got a few typos, tense errors and word problems but certainly not the worst I've seen here.

Nice piece - now I'm off to read your other stuff!
bolis86 chapter 1 . 8/4/2009
I like your take on the character. Great job